Name space : Job

The Job name space contains commands for modifying jobs created in the individual job name spaces (for example, SnapshotJob, , AuditJob, , or DeployJob, ). Using these commands, you can modify includes, add and remove schedules, and add and remove servers and groups.

When working with the Jobs name space, be aware of the following:

Command Name : accept

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
visitor no description

Command Name : accept

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
visitor no description

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobAssetClass no description

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a component to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobComponent - the component to add.

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a component group to this job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
group - the component group.

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobDepotObjectGroup no description

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
x no description

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a server group to this job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job server group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
group - the server group.

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
x no description

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a master device to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master device list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobMasterDevice - the SJobMasterDevice object to add.

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a master snapshot to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master snapshot list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
masterSnapshot - the master snapshot to add.

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
x no description

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobTargetJob no description

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobTargetJobGroup no description

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a template to a job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job template list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
template - the component template.

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a template group to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job template group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
group - the template group.

Command Name : add

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
x no description

Command Name : addApprovalRequestToSchedule

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Adds approval to a given schedule

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
scheduleId Integer id the schedule which requires approval
approvalId Integer approval id

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.addApprovalRequestToSchedule-api $scheduleId$ $approvalId$-

Command Name : addApprovalRequestToSchedule-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds approval to a given schedule

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
scheduleId Integer id the schedule which requires approval
approvalId Integer approval id

Command Name : addDailySchedule

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a daily schedule to a job. This command is not supported when the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a daily schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addDailyScheduleWithSNMPNotification or Job addDailyScheduleWithEMailNotification commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Daily schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.


The following example shows how to add a daily run at 11:35 PM to a job:


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addDailySchedule $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING"`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 2-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addDailyScheduleWithEMailNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a daily schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a daily schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Daily schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add a daily run at 11:35 PM to a job. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addDailyScheduleWithEMailNotification $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" $RECIPIENT $NOTIFICATION_STATUS`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 2-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addDailyScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a daily schedule with specified priority to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. This command is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a daily schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Daily schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of daily schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a daily run at 11:35 PM to a job. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 2-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addDailyScheduleWithPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a daily schedule to a job. This command is not supported when approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a daily schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. The priorityString argument sets the priority of the schedule.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addDailyScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority or Job addDailyScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Daily schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
priorityString String Priority of daily schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a HIGH priority daily run at 11:35 PM to a job:


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addDailyScheduleWithPriority $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" $PRIORITY_STRING`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 2-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addDailyScheduleWithSNMPNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a daily schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification.This command is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a daily schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Daily schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add a daily run at 11:35 PM to a job. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 2-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addDailyScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a daily schedule with specified priority to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification.This command is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a daily schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Daily schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of daily schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a daily run at 11:35 PM to a job with HIGH Priority. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 2-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addDailyScheduleWithTimeZone

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Bill Robinson

Description :

This command adds a daily schedule to a job in a time zone. This command is not supported when the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a daily schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

For a list of valid Time Zone ids, use the Schedule listValidTimeZones command.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Daily schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
timeZoneId String Time zone to be used for the one-time schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a daily run at 11:35 PM to a job in the UTC time zone:


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addDailyScheduleWithTimeZone $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" UTC`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Schedule.findTimeZoneById $timeZoneId$timeZone
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 2-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTimeZone NAMED_OBJECT=timeZone-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addDepotObjectKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
key no description
depotObjectTypeId Integer no description

Command Name : addDepotObjectKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
key no description
depotObjectTypeId Integer no description
assocType Integer no description

Command Name : addDepotObjectKeys

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : addDepotSoftwarePart

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
depotObjectKey DBKey no description
partId Integer no description

Command Name : addDepotSoftwarePartAll

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
depotSoftware no description

Command Name : addDeviceList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds the list of devices to the job. The list should contain Integer items.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
deviceList java.util.List - the List of devices.

Command Name : addIntervalSchedule

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Louis-Benoit Jourdain

Description :

This command adds an interval schedule to a job. This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

This command takes 5 arguments: DBKey of a job, a date/time formatted string indicating the start time of the first occurrence of the job, the interval in days, in hours and in minutes.

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addIntervalScheduleWithSNMPNotification or Job addIntervalScheduleWithEMailNotification commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Start date for the schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
days Integer Number of days in the interval.
hours Integer Number of hours in the interval.
mins Integer Number of minutes in the interval.


The following example shows how to add an interval schedule every 1 day 10 hours and 12 minutes to a job, starting at 2005-01-01 23:35:00:


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addIntervalSchedule $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" "$DAYS" "$HOURS" "$MINS"`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setStartTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setIntervalDay $days$-
JobSchedule.setIntervalHour $hours$-
JobSchedule.setIntervalMinute $mins$-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 5-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addIntervalScheduleWithEMailNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Louis-Benoit Jourdain

Description :

This command adds an interval schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification.This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a start time for the schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The days, hours, and mins arguments let you specify the interval in days, in hours and in minutes.

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument indicates the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses have the following values:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Start time of the schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
days Integer Number of days in the interval.
hours Integer Number of hours in the interval.
mins Integer Number of minutes in the interval.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add an interval schedule to a job, starting at 11:35 PM. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addIntervalScheduleWithEMailNotification $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" "$DAYS" "$HOURS" "$MINS" $RECIPIENT $NOTIFICATION_STATUS`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setStartTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setIntervalDay $days$-
JobSchedule.setIntervalHour $hours$-
JobSchedule.setIntervalMinute $mins$-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 5-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addIntervalScheduleWithSNMPNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Louis-Benoit Jourdain

Description :

This command adds an interval schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification. This command is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a start time for the schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The days, hours, and mins arguments let you specify the interval in days, in hours and in minutes.

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses have the following values:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Start time of the schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
days Integer Number of days in the interval.
hours Integer Number of hours in the interval.
mins Integer Number of minutes in the interval.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add an interval schedule to a job, starting at 11:35 PM. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setStartTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setIntervalDay $days$-
JobSchedule.setIntervalHour $hours$-
JobSchedule.setIntervalMinute $mins$-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 5-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addIntervalScheduleWithTimeZone

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Bill Robinson

Description :

This command adds an interval schedule in a time zone to a job. This command is not supported when the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

This command takes 6 arguments: DBKey of a job, a date/time formatted string indicating the start time of the first occurrence of the job, the interval in days, in hours and in minutes and time zone.

For a list of valid Time Zone ids, use the Schedule listValidTimeZones command.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Start date for the schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
days Integer Number of days in the interval.
hours Integer Number of hours in the interval.
mins Integer Number of minutes in the interval.
timeZoneId String Time zone to be used for the one-time schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add an interval schedule every 1 day 10 hours and 12 minutes to a job with time zone, starting at 2005-01-01 23:35:00:


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addIntervalScheduleWithTimeZone $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" "$DAYS" "$HOURS" "$MINS" UTC`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Schedule.findTimeZoneById $timeZoneId$timeZone
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setStartTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setIntervalDay $days$-
JobSchedule.setIntervalHour $hours$-
JobSchedule.setIntervalMinute $mins$-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 5-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTimeZone NAMED_OBJECT=timeZone-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlySchedule

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule to a job. This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the dayOfMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes.

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addMonthlyScheduleWithSNMPNotification or Job addMonthlyScheduleWithEMailNotification commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfMonth Integer Calendar day of the month to execute the job.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the 25th day of the month.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addMonthlySchedule $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" $DAY_OF_MONTH`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId 0-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlySchedule

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Navneet Waraich

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule to a job with support for all schedule choices (specific day of a particular week of every month, particular day of every month or last day of every month). This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

There are three types of monthly schedules that are supported. The command requires specifying one of the types listed below to add appropriate schedule to the job.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Use the dayOfWeekOrMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes. For last day of month schedule (scheduleType=2) this argument gets ignored and you may specify -1 as its value. For specific day of month schedule (scheduleType=0), this specifies actual calendar day (1-31) and for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1) it provides the actual day of the week based on the following scheme.

Use the weekOfMonth argument for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1), to select the week in which the job will execute. Set value to -1 to execute the job in last week of every month. Please note any value entered gets ignored for all other type of schedules (scheduleType=0 or scheduleType=2).

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addMonthlyScheduleWithSNMPNotification or Job addMonthlyScheduleWithEMailNotification commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
scheduleType Integer Type of monthly schedule. Valid types are listed above.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfWeekOrMonth Integer Day of the week or month to execute the job depending on the type of schedule. Refer command description for more details as values differ based on the type.
weekOfMonth Integer Specific week of the month to execute the job. Only applicable for day of week schedule and any provided value will be ignored for other types.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the second Tuesday of every month.



DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId $scheduleType$-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setWeekOfMonth $weekOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithEMailNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. Monthly schedule with email notification is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the DayOfMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes.

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfMonth Integer Calendar day of the month to execute the job.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the 25th day of the month. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId 0-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithEMailNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Navneet Waraich

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule to a job with support for all schedule choices (specific day of a particular week of every month, particular day of every month or last day of every month) and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. Monthly schedule with email notification is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

There are three types of monthly schedules that are supported. The command requires specifying one of the types listed below to add appropriate schedule to the job.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Use the dayOfWeekOrMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes. For last day of month schedule (scheduleType=2) this argument gets ignored and you may specify -1 as its value. For specific day of month schedule (scheduleType=0), this specifies actual calendar day (1-31) and for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1) it provides the actual day of the week based on the following scheme.

Use the weekOfMonth argument for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1), to select the week in which the job will execute. Set value to -1 to execute the job in last week of every month. Please note any value entered gets ignored for all other type of schedules (scheduleType=0 or scheduleType=2).

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
scheduleType Integer Type of monthly schedule. Valid types are listed above.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfWeekOrMonth Integer Day of the week or month to execute the job depending on the type of schedule. Refer command description for more details as values differ based on the type.
weekOfMonth Integer Specific week of the month to execute the job. Only applicable for day of week schedule and any provided value will be ignored for other types.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the second Tuesday of every month. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.





DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId $scheduleType$-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setWeekOfMonth $weekOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule with specified priority to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. Monthly schedule with email notification is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the DayOfMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes.

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfMonth Integer Calendar day of the month to execute the job.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of monthly schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run with high priority to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the 25th day of the month. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId 0-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Navneet Waraich

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule with specified priority to a job with support for all schedule choices (specific day of a particular week of every month, particular day of every month or last day of every month) and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. Monthly schedule with email notification is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

There are three types of monthly schedules that are supported. The command requires specifying one of the types listed below to add appropriate schedule to the job.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Use the dayOfWeekOrMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes. For last day of month schedule (scheduleType=2) this argument gets ignored and you may specify -1 as its value. For specific day of month schedule (scheduleType=0), this specifies actual calendar day (1-31) and for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1) it provides the actual day of the week based on the following scheme.

Use the weekOfMonth argument for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1), to select the week in which the job will execute. Set value to -1 to execute the job in last week of every month. Please note any value entered gets ignored for all other type of schedules (scheduleType=0 or scheduleType=2).

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
scheduleType Integer Type of monthly schedule. Valid types are listed above.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfWeekOrMonth Integer Day of the week or month to execute the job depending on the type of schedule. Refer command description for more details as values differ based on the type.
weekOfMonth Integer Specific week of the month to execute the job. Only applicable for day of week schedule and any provided value will be ignored for other types.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of monthly schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run with high priority to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the second Tuesday of every month. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.





DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId $scheduleType$-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setWeekOfMonth $weekOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule with specified priority to a job. This command is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the dayOfMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes.

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addMonthlyScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority or Job addMonthlyScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority commands.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfMonth Integer Calendar day of the month to execute the job.
priorityString String Priority of monthly schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run with high priority to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the 25th day of the month.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addMonthlyScheduleWithPriority $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" $DAY_OF_MONTH $PRIORITY_STRING`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId 0-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Navneet Waraich

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule to a job with support for all schedule choices (specific day of a particular week of every month, particular day of every month or last day of every month) and with specified priority to a job. This command is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

There are three types of monthly schedules that are supported. The command requires specifying one of the types listed below to add appropriate schedule to the job.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Use the dayOfWeekOrMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes. For last day of month schedule (scheduleType=2) this argument gets ignored and you may specify -1 as its value. For specific day of month schedule (scheduleType=0), this specifies actual calendar day (1-31) and for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1) it provides the actual day of the week based on the following scheme.

Use the weekOfMonth argument for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1), to select the week in which the job will execute. Set value to -1 to execute the job in last week of every month. Please note any value entered gets ignored for all other type of schedules (scheduleType=0 or scheduleType=2).

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addMonthlyScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority or Job addMonthlyScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority commands.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
scheduleType Integer Type of monthly schedule. Valid types are listed above.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfWeekOrMonth Integer Day of the week or month to execute the job depending on the type of schedule. Refer command description for more details as values differ based on the type.
weekOfMonth Integer Specific week of the month to execute the job. Only applicable for day of week schedule and any provided value will be ignored for other types.
priorityString String Priority of monthly schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run with high priority to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on second Tuesday every month.



DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId $scheduleType$-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setWeekOfMonth $weekOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithSNMPNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification. Monthly schedule with SNMP notification is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the DayOfMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes.

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfMonth Integer Calendar day of the month to execute the job.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the 25th day of the month. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId 0-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithSNMPNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Navneet Waraich

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule to a job with support for all schedule choices (specific day of a particular week of every month, particular day of every month or last day of every month) and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification. Monthly schedule with SNMP notification is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

There are three types of monthly schedules that are supported. The command requires specifying one of the types listed below to add appropriate schedule to the job.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Use the dayOfWeekOrMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes. For last day of month schedule (scheduleType=2) this argument gets ignored and you may specify -1 as its value. For specific day of month schedule (scheduleType=0), this specifies actual calendar day (1-31) and for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1) it provides the actual day of the week based on the following scheme.

Use the weekOfMonth argument for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1), to select the week in which the job will execute. Set value to -1 to execute the job in last week of every month. Please note any value entered gets ignored for all other type of schedules (scheduleType=0 or scheduleType=2).

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
scheduleType Integer Type of monthly schedule. Valid types are listed above.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfWeekOrMonth Integer Day of the week or month to execute the job depending on the type of schedule. Refer command description for more details as values differ based on the type.
weekOfMonth Integer Specific week of the month to execute the job. Only applicable for day of week schedule and any provided value will be ignored for other types.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on second Tuesday of every month. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.





DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId $scheduleType$-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setWeekOfMonth $weekOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule with specified priority to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification. Monthly schedule with SNMP notification is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the DayOfMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes.

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfMonth Integer Calendar day of the month to execute the job.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of monthly schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run with high priority to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the 25th day of the month. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId 0-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Navneet Waraich

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule with specified priority to a job with support for all schedule choices (specific day of a particular week of every month, particular day of every month or last day of every month) and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification. Monthly schedule with SNMP notification is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

There are three types of monthly schedules that are supported. The command requires specifying one of the types listed below to add appropriate schedule to the job.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Use the dayOfWeekOrMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes. For last day of month schedule (scheduleType=2) this argument gets ignored and you may specify -1 as its value. For specific day of month schedule (scheduleType=0), this specifies actual calendar day (1-31) and for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1) it provides the actual day of the week based on the following scheme.

Use the weekOfMonth argument for specific day of a week schedule (scheduleType=1), to select the week in which the job will execute. Set value to -1 to execute the job in last week of every month. Please note any value entered gets ignored for all other type of schedules (scheduleType=0 or scheduleType=2).

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
scheduleType Integer Type of monthly schedule. Valid types are listed above.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfWeekOrMonth Integer Day of the week or month to execute the job depending on the type of schedule. Refer command description for more details as values differ based on the type.
weekOfMonth Integer Specific week of the month to execute the job. Only applicable for day of week schedule and any provided value will be ignored for other types.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of monthly schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run with high priority to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on second Tuesday of every month. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.





DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId $scheduleType$-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $dayOfWeekOrMonth$-
JobSchedule.setWeekOfMonth $weekOfMonth$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addMonthlyScheduleWithTimeZone

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Bill Robinson

Description :

This command adds a monthly schedule to a job for a specific time zone. This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a monthly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the dayOfMonth argument to specify the day when the job executes.

For a list of valid Time Zone ids, use the Schedule listValidTimeZones command.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Monthly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
dayOfMonth Integer Calendar day of the month to execute the job.
timeZoneId String Time zone to be used for the one-time schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a monthly run to a job. The job runs at 11:35 PM on the 25th day of the month in UTC.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addMonthlyScheduleWithTimeZone $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" $DAY_OF_MONTH UTC`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Schedule.findTimeZoneById $timeZoneId$timeZone
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 4-
JobSchedule.setSubScheduleTypeId 0-
JobSchedule.setDayOfMonth $dayOfMonth$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTimeZone NAMED_OBJECT=timeZone-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addNotificationList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : addOneTimeSchedule

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a one-time schedule to a job.If approval is enabled for the job type, use the addOneTimeScheduleWithApproval command instead.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addOneTimeScheduleWithSNMPNotification or Job addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotification commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.


The following example shows how to add a schedule to a job for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addOneTimeSchedule $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING"`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addOneTimeScheduleWithApproval

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Ayyappa Muthusami

Description :

This command adds a one-time schedule to a job. The job waits until the approval is received and then runs. If the approval does not come on time, the schedule is marked as expired and the approval system closes the change ticket.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addOneTimeScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndWithApproval or Job addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndWithApproval commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
approvalId Integer Approval ID to be attached to the job.


The following example shows how to add a schedule to a job for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_APPROVAL_ID=`blcli Job createApproval 2 2 "My change" 2 3 "" ""`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addOneTimeScheduleWithApproval $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" $JOB_APPROVAL_ID`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
ApprovalRequest.findById $approvalId$approvalRequest
Schedule.isApprovalRequestAlreadyUsed $approvalId$-
Job.checkApprovalAccess NAMED_OBJECT=approvalRequest-
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$job
Job.isApprovalEnabled NAMED_OBJECT=job NAMED_OBJECT=approvalRequest-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
JobSchedule.setApprovalRequestAPI NAMED_OBJECT=approvalRequest-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a one-time schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. If approval is enabled for the job type, use the addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndWithApproval command instead.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add a schedule to a job for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotification $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" $RECIPIENT $NOTIFICATION_STATUS`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a one-time schedule to a job with specified priority and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. If approval is enabled for the job type, use the addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndWithApproval command instead.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of one-time schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a schedule with high priority to a job for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndWithApproval

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Ayyappa Muthusami

Description :

This command adds a one-time schedule to a job. The job waits until the approval is received and then runs. Depending on the resulting status of the job run, the command issues an email notification. If the approval does not come on time, the schedule is marked as expired and the change ticket is closed by the approval system.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
approvalId Integer Approval ID to be attached to the job.


The following example shows how to add a schedule to a job for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM. Email will be sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_APPROVAL_ID=`blcli Job createApproval 2 2 "My change" 2 3 "" ""`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndWithApproval $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" $RECIPIENT $NOTIFICATION_STATUS $JOB_APPROVAL_ID`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
ApprovalRequest.findById $approvalId$approvalRequest
Schedule.isApprovalRequestAlreadyUsed $approvalId$-
Job.checkApprovalAccess NAMED_OBJECT=approvalRequest-
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$job
Job.isApprovalEnabled NAMED_OBJECT=job NAMED_OBJECT=approvalRequest-
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
JobSchedule.setApprovalRequestAPI NAMED_OBJECT=approvalRequest-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addOneTimeScheduleWithPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a one-time schedule with specified priority to a job. If approval is enabled for the job type, use the addOneTimeScheduleWithApproval command instead.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addOneTimeScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority or Job addOneTimeScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
priorityString String Priority of one-time schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a schedule with high priority to a job for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addOneTimeScheduleWithPriority $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" $PRIORITY_STRING`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addOneTimeScheduleWithSNMPNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a one-time schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification. If approval is enabled for the job type, use the addOneTimeScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndWithApproval command instead.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add a schedule to a job for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addOneTimeScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a one-time schedule with specified priority to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification. If approval is enabled for the job type, use the addOneTimeScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndWithApproval command instead.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of one-time schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a schedule with high priority to a job for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addOneTimeScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndWithApproval

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Ayyappa Muthusami

Description :

This command adds a one-time schedule to a job. The job waits until the approval is received and then runs. Depending on the resulting status of the job run, the command issues an SNMP notification. If the approval does not come on time, the schedule is marked as expired and the change ticket is closed by the approval system.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
approvalId Integer Approval ID to be attached to the job.


The following example shows how to add a schedule to a job for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM. An SNMP trap will be generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`

JOB_APPROVAL_ID=`blcli Job createApproval 2 2 "My change" 2 3 "" ""`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
ApprovalRequest.findById $approvalId$approvalRequest
Schedule.isApprovalRequestAlreadyUsed $approvalId$-
Job.checkApprovalAccess NAMED_OBJECT=approvalRequest-
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$job
Job.isApprovalEnabled NAMED_OBJECT=job NAMED_OBJECT=approvalRequest-
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
JobSchedule.setApprovalRequestAPI NAMED_OBJECT=approvalRequest-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addOneTimeScheduleWithTimeZone

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Bill Robinson

Description :

This command adds a one time schedule in a time zone to a job. This command is not supported when the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a one-time schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

For a list of valid Time Zone ids, use the Schedule listValidTimeZones command.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String One-time schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
timeZoneId String Time zone to be used for the one-time schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add a schedule to an execution task for a single run on the 1st of January 2005 at 11:35 PM in the UTC time zone.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /Workspace snapshotTest`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addOneTimeScheduleWithTimeZone $JOB_KEY "$DATE_STRING" UTC`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Schedule.findTimeZoneById $timeZoneId$timeZone
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Utility.stringToDateWithTimeZone $dateString$ $timeZoneId$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setOnceDateTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 1-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTimeZone NAMED_OBJECT=timeZone-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addPermission

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Matt Whearty

Description :

This command adds a permission to a job.

Returns the ACL.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey DBKey of the job.
roleName String Name of the role.
authName String Name of the authorization.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$job
BlAcl.addPermission NAMED_OBJECT=job $roleName$ $authName$-
Utility.setTargetObject job-
Job.update NAMED_OBJECT=job-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : addSJobAssetClass

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
assetClassKey DBKey no description

Command Name : addSJobAssetClassList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobAssetClassList java.util.List no description

Command Name : addSJobComponent

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a component to the job by DBKey.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
componentKey DBKey - the DBKey of the component to add.

Command Name : addSJobComponentGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a component group to this job by DBKey.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupKey - the component group DBKey.

Command Name : addSJobComponentGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a list of component groups to this job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupList java.util.List - the list of component groups.

Command Name : addSJobComponentList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a list of components to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobComponentList java.util.List - the list of components to add.

Command Name : addSJobDepotObjectGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description

Command Name : addSJobDepotObjectGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description
assocType Integer no description

Command Name : addSJobDepotObjectGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobDepotObjectGroupList java.util.List no description

Command Name : addSJobDevice

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
deviceKey DBKey no description

Command Name : addSJobDevice

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
deviceId Integer no description

Command Name : addSJobDeviceGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a server group to this job by SBLGroupKey.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job server group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupKey - the SBLGroupKey.

Command Name : addSJobDeviceGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a list of server groups to this job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job server group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupList java.util.List - the list of server groups.

Command Name : addSJobDeviceList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : addSJobMasterComponent

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
componentKey DBKey no description

Command Name : addSJobMasterComponentList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : addSJobMasterDevice

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a master device to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master device list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
deviceKey DBKey - the DBKey of the master device to add.

Command Name : addSJobMasterDeviceList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a list of master devices to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master device list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobMasterDeviceList java.util.List - the List of SJobMasterDevice object to add.

Command Name : addSJobMasterSnapshot

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a master snapshot to a job by DBKey.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master snapshot list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
snapshotKey DBKey - the DBKey of the snapshot.

Command Name : addSJobMasterSnapshotList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a list of master snapshots to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master snapshot list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
masterSnapshot java.util.List - the master snapshots to add.

Command Name : addSJobSnapshot

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
snapshotKey DBKey no description

Command Name : addSJobSnapshotList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : addSJobTargetJob

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Command Name : addSJobTargetJobGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description

Command Name : addSJobTargetJobGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobTargetJobGroupList java.util.List no description

Command Name : addSJobTargetJobList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobTargetJobList java.util.List no description

Command Name : addSJobTemplate

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a template to the job by DBKey.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job template list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
templateKey DBKey - the DBKey of the component template.

Command Name : addSJobTemplateGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a list of template groups to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job template group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupList java.util.List - the list of template groups.

Command Name : addSJobTemplateList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Adds a list of templates to the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job template list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
templateList java.util.List - the List of component templates.

Command Name : addTargetComponent

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a target component gto a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command. Use the componentKey argument to provide a handle to the component to be added.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
componentKey DBKey Handle of the component to be added

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.addSJobComponent $componentKey$-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : addTargetComponentGroup

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command is applicable for Snapshot, Audit, Compliance and Deploy jobs only.

This command adds a target component group to a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command. Use the groupName argument to provide the fully qualified path to the target component group (for example, /WestCoast/Windows).

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
groupName String Name of the component server group.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
ComponentGroup.groupNameToDBKey $groupName$groupKey
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.addSJobComponentGroup NAMED_OBJECT=groupKey-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : addTargetGroup

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a target server group to a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command. Use the groupName argument to provide the fully qualified path to the target server group (for example, /WestCoast/Windows).

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
groupName String Name of the target server group.


The following example shows how to add several target server groups to a job.


GROUPS=`cat groups.txt`

JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`



JOB_KEY=`blcli addTargetGroup $JOB_KEY $GROUP`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
ServerGroup.groupNameToDBKey $groupName$groupKey
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.addSJobDeviceGroup NAMED_OBJECT=groupKey-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : addTargetGroups

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Yidong Wang

Description :

This command adds multiple target server groups to a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
groupNames Comma-separated list of the target server group names.


The following example shows how to add server groups named serverGroup1 and serverGroup2 to a snapshot job tstSnap in job group /snapshots.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addTargetGroups $JOB_KEY serverGroup1,serverGroup2`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.addTargetGroupsByName_api $jobKey$ $groupNames$job
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : addTargetGroupsByName

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetGroups no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.addTargetGroupsByName-api $jobkey$ $targetGroups$-

Command Name : addTargetGroupsByName-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetGroups no description

Command Name : addTargetGroupsByName_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetGroups no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.addTargetGroupsByName_api-api $jobkey$ $targetGroups$-

Command Name : addTargetGroupsByName_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetGroups no description

Command Name : addTargetServer

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Amos Benninga

Description :

The following command adds a target server to a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
serverName String Name of the target server.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Server.getServerDBKeyByName $serverName$serverKey
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.addSJobDevice NAMED_OBJECT=serverKey-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : addTargetServers

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Yidong Wang

Description :

This command adds multiple target servers to a job.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job you are modifying.

This command returns a handle to the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job you want to update.
serverNames List of the target server names.


The following example shows how to add servers named engrhas21agt1 and engrhas21agt2 to a Snapshot Job called tstSnap in the job group /snapshots.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addTargetServers $JOB_KEY engrhas21agt1,engrhas21agt2`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.addTargetServersByName_api $jobKey$ $serverNames$job
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : addTargetServersByName

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.addTargetServersByName-api $jobkey$ $targetServers$-

Command Name : addTargetServersByName-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Command Name : addTargetServersByName_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.addTargetServersByName_api-api $jobkey$ $targetServers$-

Command Name : addTargetServersByName_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Command Name : addTemplateByJobKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a Template to a job. Jobs that can use this command are Discovery, Compliance, and Snapshot

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command. Use the templateKey argument to provide a handle to the template to be added.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
templateKey DBKey Handle of the component to be added

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.addSJobTemplate $templateKey$-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : addWeeklySchedule

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a weekly schedule to a job.This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a weekly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the daysOfWeek argument to specify a sum representing the days when the job should execute. Each day of the week has a value, as shown below:

Add values representing the days when you want the job to run. For example, if you want the job to run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then daysOfWeek=42. Use the frequency argument to specify an interval in weeks for the job to run (for example, 2 means the job runs every other week).

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addWeeklyScheduleWithSNMPNotification or Job addWeeklyScheduleWithEMailNotification commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Weekly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
daysOfWeek Integer Days of the week when the job should execute. See above for a more detailed description.
frequency Integer Interval in weeks when the job should run.


The following example shows how to add weekly job run to a job. In the example, the job runs every three weeks at 11:35 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 3-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeek$-
JobSchedule.setFrequency $frequency$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addWeeklyScheduleWithEMailNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a weekly schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a weekly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the daysOfWeek argument to specify a sum representing the days when the job should execute. Each day of the week has a value, as shown below:

Add values representing the days when you want the job to run. For example, if you want the job to run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then daysOfWeek=42. Use the frequency argument to specify an interval in weeks for the job to run (for example, 2 means the job runs every other week).

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Weekly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
daysOfWeek Integer Days of the week when the job should execute. See above for a more detailed description.
frequency Integer Interval in weeks when the job should run.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add weekly job runs to a job. In the example, the job runs every three weeks at 11:35 PM on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. An email is sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 3-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeek$-
JobSchedule.setFrequency $frequency$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addWeeklyScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a weekly schedule with specified priority to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an email notification. This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a weekly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the daysOfWeek argument to specify a sum representing the days when the job should execute. Each day of the week has a value, as shown below:

Add values representing the days when you want the job to run. For example, if you want the job to run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then daysOfWeek=42. Use the frequency argument to specify an interval in weeks for the job to run (for example, 2 means the job runs every other week).

The recipient argument identifies the receiver of the email that this command generates. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Weekly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
daysOfWeek Integer Days of the week when the job should execute. See above for a more detailed description.
frequency Integer Interval in weeks when the job should run.
recipient String Receiver of the email notification.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of weekly schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add weekly job runs with high priority to a job. In the example, the job runs every three weeks at 11:35 PM on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. An email is sent on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 1-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 3-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeek$-
JobSchedule.setFrequency $frequency$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addWeeklyScheduleWithPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a weekly schedule to a job with a specified priority .This command is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a weekly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the daysOfWeek argument to specify a sum representing the days when the job should execute. Each day of the week has a value, as shown below:

Add values representing the days when you want the job to run. For example, if you want the job to run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then daysOfWeek=42. Use the frequency argument to specify an interval in weeks for the job to run (for example, 2 means the job runs every other week).

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

This command does not send a job notification. To add a schedule that includes notifications, see the Job addWeeklyScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority or Job addWeeklyScheduleWithEMailNotificationAndPriority commands.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Weekly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
daysOfWeek Integer Days of the week when the job should execute. See above for a more detailed description.
frequency Integer Interval in weeks when the job should run.
priorityString String Priority of weekly schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add weekly job run with high priority to a job. In the example, the job runs every three weeks at 11:35 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 3-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeek$-
JobSchedule.setFrequency $frequency$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addWeeklyScheduleWithSNMPNotification

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command adds a weekly schedule to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification. This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a weekly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the daysOfWeek argument to specify a sum representing the days when the job should execute. Each day of the week has a value, as shown below:

Add values representing the days when you want the job to run. For example, if you want the job to run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then daysOfWeek=42. Use the frequency argument to specify an interval in weeks for the job to run (for example, 2 means the job runs every other week).

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Weekly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
daysOfWeek Integer Days of the week when the job should execute. See above for a more detailed description.
frequency Integer Interval in weeks when the job should run.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.


The following example shows how to add weekly job runs to a job. In the example, the job runs every three weeks at 11:35 PM on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. An SNMP trap is generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 3-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeek$-
JobSchedule.setFrequency $frequency$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addWeeklyScheduleWithSNMPNotificationAndPriority

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command adds a weekly schedule with a specified priority to a job and, depending on the resulting status of the job run, issues an SNMP notification. This command is not supported if approval is enabled for the job type

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a weekly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the daysOfWeek argument to specify a sum representing the days when the job should execute. Each day of the week has a value, as shown below:

Add values representing the days when you want the job to run. For example, if you want the job to run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then daysOfWeek=42. Use the frequency argument to specify an interval in weeks for the job to run (for example, 2 means the job runs every other week).

The recipient argument identifies the SNMP listener. The statusType argument determines the statuses for which you want to issue a notification. The possible statuses each have a value as follows:

For statusType, add the statuses for which you want to issue notifications. For example, if you want to issue notifications when the job status is Failure or Cancel, then statusType=12.

Set priorityString to one of the following priorities:

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Weekly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
daysOfWeek Integer Days of the week when the job should execute. See above for a more detailed description.
frequency Integer Interval in weeks when the job should run.
recipient String SNMP listener.
statusType Integer Sum of all statuses for which you want to issue notifications. See above for a more complete description.
priorityString String Priority of weekly schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add weekly job runs with high priority to a job. In the example, the job runs every three weeks at 11:35 PM on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. An SNMP trap is generated on success, failure, or cancel.




DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00"




JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.stringToJobPriority $priorityString$priorityEnum
Utility.createModelObject Notification-
Notification.setNotificationType 3-
Notification.setRecipient $recipient$-
Notification.setStatusTypes $statusType$-
Utility.storeTargetObject notifier-
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.add NAMED_OBJECT=notifier-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setJobPriority NAMED_OBJECT=priorityEnum-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 3-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeek$-
JobSchedule.setFrequency $frequency$-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : addWeeklyScheduleWithTimeZone

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Bill Robinson

Description :

This command adds a weekly schedule to a job for a specific time zone.This command is not supported if the approval is enabled for the job type.

The argument jobKey is a handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

The dateString argument defines a weekly schedule to be added to the job definition. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Use the daysOfWeek argument to specify a sum representing the days when the job should execute. Each day of the week has a value, as shown below:

Add values representing the days when you want the job to run. For example, if you want the job to run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then daysOfWeek=42. Use the frequency argument to specify an interval in weeks for the job to run (for example, 2 means the job runs every other week).

For a list of valid Time Zone ids, use the Schedule listValidTimeZones command.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job.
dateString String Weekly schedule to be added. The date string must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
daysOfWeek Integer Days of the week when the job should execute. See above for a more detailed description.
frequency Integer Interval in weeks when the job should run.
timeZoneId String Time zone to be used for the one-time schedule to be added.


The following example shows how to add weekly job run to a job. In the example, the job runs every three weeks at 11:35 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in UTC.


DATE_STRING="2005-01-01 23:35:00" UTC



JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots snapconfig`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Schedule.findTimeZoneById $timeZoneId$timeZone
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ true-
Utility.stringToDate $dateString$scheduleDate
Utility.createModelObject JobSchedule-
JobSchedule.setJobId $jobKey$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTime NAMED_OBJECT=scheduleDate-
JobSchedule.setSchedFreqTypeId 3-
JobSchedule.setDaysOfWeek $daysOfWeek$-
JobSchedule.setFrequency $frequency$-
JobSchedule.setRecurringTimeZone NAMED_OBJECT=timeZone-
Schedule.create no input-
JobSchedule.getScheduleId no inputscheduleId
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : applyAclPolicy

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command applies an ACL policy to a Job.

When an ACL policy is applied to an object, all access checks on that object will check both the permissions in its ACL along with the permissions of the associated ACL policy.

Returns the DBKey of the modified object.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Job Key.
policyName String Name of the ACL policy to use.


The following example shows how to apply the ACL policy called "Test Policy" to the Job with DB Key "Job DB Key".


Job applyAclPolicy "Job DB Key" "Test Policy"

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$objsrc
BlAclPolicy.findByName $policyName$policy
BlAclPolicy.applyAclPolicy_api NAMED_OBJECT=policy NAMED_OBJECT=objsrcobj
Utility.setTargetObject obj-
Job.update NAMED_OBJECT=obj-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : applyAclTemplate

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Matt Whearty

Description :

This command applies an ACL template to a job.

Returns the DBKey of the modified object.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey DBKey of the job.
templateName String Name of the ACL template to use.
replace Boolean Flag indicating whether or not you want to replace all ACL entries (true/false).

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$objsrc
BlAclTemplate.findByName $templateName$template
BlAclTemplate.applyAclTemplate_api NAMED_OBJECT=template NAMED_OBJECT=objsrc $replace$job
Utility.setTargetObject job-
Job.update NAMED_OBJECT=job-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : bulkRemoveJobProperties

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Description :

This command is deprecated. Please consider using bulkRemoveJobPropertyValues .

This command removes property values for one or more jobs.

As input, the command requires the name of a local file. The file should be in CSV format with the following columns: Job Name, Job Group Name, Job Type Id, and Property Name. Each line in the CSV file correlates to one property value being removed from one job.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
fileName String Local file in CSV format containing property names being removed. See above for a more complete description.
fileDir String Directory containing the CSV file.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
FileTransfer.pushFileToAppServer $fileDir$ $fileName$appServerFile
Job.bulkRemoveJobPropertyVals NAMED_OBJECT=appServerFile-

Command Name : bulkRemoveJobPropertyVals

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyValuesFile String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.bulkRemoveJobPropertyVals-api $propertyValuesFile$-

Command Name : bulkRemoveJobPropertyVals

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyValuesFile String no description
charsetName String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.bulkRemoveJobPropertyVals-api $propertyValuesFile$ $charsetName$-

Command Name : bulkRemoveJobPropertyVals-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyValuesFile String no description

Command Name : bulkRemoveJobPropertyVals-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyValuesFile String no description
charsetName String no description

Command Name : bulkRemoveJobPropertyValues

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Yidong Wang

Description :

This command removes property values for one or more jobs.

As input, the command requires the name of a local file. The file should be in CSV format with the following columns: Job Name, Job Group Name, Job Type Id, and Property Name. Each line in the CSV file correlates to one property value being removed from one job.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
fileName String Local file in CSV format containing property names being removed. See above for a more complete description.
fileDir String Directory containing the CSV file.


The following example will remove the job properties using c:\tmp\bulk.txt.


blcli Job bulkRemoveJobPropertyValues bulk.txt /c/tmp/

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
FileTransfer.pushFileToAppServer $fileDir$ $fileName$appServerFile
Job.bulkRemoveJobPropertyVals NAMED_OBJECT=appServerFile-

Command Name : bulkSetJobPropertyVals

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyValuesFile String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.bulkSetJobPropertyVals-api $propertyValuesFile$-

Command Name : bulkSetJobPropertyVals

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyValuesFile String no description
charsetName String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.bulkSetJobPropertyVals-api $propertyValuesFile$ $charsetName$-

Command Name : bulkSetJobPropertyVals-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyValuesFile String no description

Command Name : bulkSetJobPropertyVals-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyValuesFile String no description
charsetName String no description

Command Name : bulkSetJobPropertyValues

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Yidong Wang

Description :

This command sets property values for one or more jobs.

As input, the command requires the name of a local file.The file should be in a CSV format with the following columns: Job Name, Job Group Name, Job Type Id, Property Name, and Property Value. Each line in the CSV file correlates to one property value being set on one job.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
fileName String Local file in CSV format containing property values. See above for a more complete description.
fileDir String Directory containing the CSV file.


The following example will set the job properties using c:\tmp\bulk.txt.


blcli Job bulkSetJobPropertyValues bulk.txt /c/tmp/

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
FileTransfer.pushFileToAppServer $fileDir$ $fileName$appServerFile
Job.bulkSetJobPropertyVals NAMED_OBJECT=appServerFile-

Command Name : checkApprovalAccess

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Checks the approval type access for the current user

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
approvalRequest no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalAccess-api $approvalRequest$-

Command Name : checkApprovalAccess

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
requestTypeEnum no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalAccess-api $requestTypeEnum$-

Command Name : checkApprovalAccess-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Checks the approval type access for the current user

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
approvalRequest no description

Command Name : checkApprovalAccess-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
requestTypeEnum no description

Command Name : checkApprovalEnabled

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Checks whether the approval is enabled . Throws exception if enabled

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
notSupported Boolean no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled-api $jobKey$ $notSupported$-

Command Name : checkApprovalEnabled-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Checks whether the approval is enabled . Throws exception if enabled

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
notSupported Boolean no description

Command Name : checkCancelPermission

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKeys java.util.List no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkCancelPermission-api $jobKeys$-

Command Name : checkCancelPermission-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKeys java.util.List no description

Command Name : cleanOverriddenProperties

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearAllDepotSoftwarePartList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearAvailableClassField

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Marks a specific ClassField as unavailable in this instantiation of the object

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : clearDepotObjectKeys

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearJobExecuteAsOverride

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearNotificationList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearOptionValues

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearOverriddenValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Clears a specific ClassField to its default.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : clearOverriddenValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Clears a specific ClassField to its default.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classFieldName String no description

Command Name : clearOverriddenValues

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Resets all ClassField's to their defaults.

Return type : void

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobAssetClassList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobComponentGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Removes a component group by DBKey.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupKey - the component group DBKey.

Command Name : clearSJobComponentGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Removes all component groups from the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobComponentList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Clears the list of components for the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobDepotObjectGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobDevice

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
deviceKey DBKey no description

Command Name : clearSJobDeviceGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Removes a server group from this job by SBLGroupKey.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job server group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupKey - the SBLGroupKey.

Command Name : clearSJobDeviceGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Removes all server groups from this job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job server group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobDeviceList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobMasterComponentList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobMasterDeviceList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Clears the job master device list.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master device list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobMasterSnapshotList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Removes all master snapshots from the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master snapshot list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobSnapshotList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobTargetJobGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobTargetJobList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobTemplateGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Removes all template groups from the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job template group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearSJobTemplateList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Removes all templates from the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job template list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : clearTargetComponentGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :


Description :

This command removes a target component group from a job. See clearTargetComponentGroups for a command that clears all target component groups from a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command. Use the groupName argument to provide the fully qualified path to the target component group (for example, /WestCoast/Windows).

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
groupName String Fully qualified path to the target component group to be removed.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
ComponentGroup.groupNameToDBKey $groupName$groupKey
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.clearSJobComponentGroup NAMED_OBJECT=groupKey-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : clearTargetComponentGroups

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command clears all target component groups from a job. See clearTargetComponentGroup for a command that clears a specific target component group from a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.clearSJobComponentGroupList no input-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : clearTargetComponents

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command clears all target components from a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.clearSJobComponentList no input-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : clearTargetGroup

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Sean Daley

Description :

This command removes a target server group from a job. See clearTargetGroups for a command that clears all target groups from a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command. Use the groupName argument to provide the fully qualified path to the target server group (for example, /WestCoast/Windows).

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
groupName String Fully qualified path to the target server group to be removed.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
ServerGroup.groupNameToDBKey $groupName$groupKey
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.clearSJobDeviceGroup NAMED_OBJECT=groupKey-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : clearTargetGroups

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command clears all target server groups from a job. See clearTargetGroup for a command that clears a specific target group from a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.clearSJobDeviceGroupList no input-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : clearTargetServer

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Sean Daley

Description :

This command removes a target server from a job. See clearTargetServers for a command that clears all target servers from a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
serverName String Name of the target server to remove.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Server.getServerDBKeyByName $serverName$serverKey
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.clearSJobDevice NAMED_OBJECT=serverKey-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : clearTargetServers

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command clears all target servers from a job. See clearTargetServer for a command that clears a specific target server from a job.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.clearSJobDeviceList no input-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : clone

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

a deep copy of this value

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : copyJob

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command copies a job. jobKey is a handle to the job you want to copy. copyName is the new name of the copied job. jobGroup is the fully qualified path to the destination job group. If you want the job to remain in the same group, you still need to include the jobGroup argument.

This command returns the handle of the copied job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job you want to copy.
jobGroup String Fully qualified path to the destination job group.
copyName String New name of the copied job.


The following example shows how to copy a job.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

NEW_JOB_KEY=`blcli Job copyJob $JOB_KEY /myNewJobs myCopiedJob`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
JobGroup.groupNameToId $jobGroup$groupId
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$job
Job.createCopy NAMED_OBJECT=jobnewJob
Utility.setTargetObject newJob-
Job.setName $copyName$-
Job.setGroupId NAMED_OBJECT=groupId-
Job.create no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : copyJob

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Kin Yiu

Description :

This command will copy a Job. jobType is the type of the job to be copied. srcGroup is the fully qualified path to the job group of the job to be copied. srcName is the name of the name of the job to be copied. dstGroup is the fully qualified path to the destination job group. If the job is to remain in the same group, this still needs to be included. dstName is the name of the new job

This command returns the handle of the copied job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobType String Type of the job to be copied.
srcGroup String Full path of the group of the job to be copied.
srcName String Name of the job to be copied.
dstGroup String Full path of the group of the new job
dstName String Name of the new job

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Utility.convertModelType $jobType$modelType
JobGroup.groupNameToId $srcGroup$groupId
Job.findHeaderByTypeGroupAndName NAMED_OBJECT=modelType NAMED_OBJECT=groupId $srcName$jobHeader
SJobHeader.getDBKey no inputjobKey
Job.copyJob NAMED_OBJECT=jobKey $dstGroup$ $dstName$-

Command Name : create

Name space : Job

Command Type : Save

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
j no description

Command Name : create-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
j no description

Command Name : createApproval

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Ayyappa Muthusami

Description :

This command creates an approval request. You can add this request to a job that requires approval.

This command returns an approval ID.

Set approvalType to one of the following integers:

Set changeType to one of the following integers:

Set impactId to one of the following integers:

Set riskLevel to one of the following integers:

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
approvalType Integer The approval type. See list above.
changeType Integer The change type. See list above.
comments String A string that appears in the change summary. If you set approvalType to 5 (Existing Approval), then the comments argument is optional - you can leave it blank "".
impactId Integer The impact ID. See list above
riskLevel Integer The risk level. See list above.
changeId String The change ID that you got from the change management system. Required only if you set approvalType to 5 (Existing Approval).
taskId String The task ID that you got from the change management system. Required only if you set approvalType to 5 (Existing Approval).


The following example shows how to create an approval request.


JOB_APPROVAL_ID=`blcli Job createApproval 2 2 "My change" 2 3 "" ""`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.createApprovalRequest $approvalType$ $changeType$ $comments$ $impactId$ $riskLevel$ $changeId$ $taskId$-

Command Name : createApprovalRequest

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Requests approval which can be used to link schedules and approval required jobs execution through BLCLI example: createApproval"-type <value of id> -changeType <value of id> -comments <actual string for comments> -impact <value of id> -riskLevel <value of id> -changeId <actual change id> -taskId <actual task id>" available values for type id description 1 Remedy Manual Approval 2 Remedy Automatic Approval 3 Remedy Emergency Approval 4 PreApproved changeType id description 1 Project 2 Change 3 Asset Configuration 4 Asset Management 5 Asset Lease 6 Purchase Requisition 7 Asset Maintenance comments String which will be used in the change summary impact id description 1 1-Extensive/Widespread 2 2-Significant/Large 3 3-Moderate/Limited 4 4-Minor/Localized riskLevel id description 1 Risk Level 1 2 Risk Level 2 3 Risk Level 3 4 Risk Level 4 5 Risk Level 5 changeId Change Id from the ChangeManagement System taskId Task Id from the ChangeManagement System

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
approvalType Integer no description
changeType Integer no description
comments String no description
impactId Integer no description
riskLevel Integer no description
changeId String no description
taskId String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.createApprovalRequest-api $approvalType$ $changeType$ $comments$ $impactId$ $riskLevel$ $changeId$ $taskId$-

Command Name : createApprovalRequest-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Requests approval which can be used to link schedules and approval required jobs execution through BLCLI example: createApproval"-type <value of id> -changeType <value of id> -comments <actual string for comments> -impact <value of id> -riskLevel <value of id> -changeId <actual change id> -taskId <actual task id>" available values for type id description 1 Remedy Manual Approval 2 Remedy Automatic Approval 3 Remedy Emergency Approval 4 PreApproved changeType id description 1 Project 2 Change 3 Asset Configuration 4 Asset Management 5 Asset Lease 6 Purchase Requisition 7 Asset Maintenance comments String which will be used in the change summary impact id description 1 1-Extensive/Widespread 2 2-Significant/Large 3 3-Moderate/Limited 4 4-Minor/Localized riskLevel id description 1 Risk Level 1 2 Risk Level 2 3 Risk Level 3 4 Risk Level 4 5 Risk Level 5 changeId Change Id from the ChangeManagement System taskId Task Id from the ChangeManagement System

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
approvalType Integer no description
changeType Integer no description
comments String no description
impactId Integer no description
riskLevel Integer no description
changeId String no description
taskId String no description

Command Name : createCopy

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

base command for copying a job.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
job no description

Command Name : createInstance

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
msg no description

Command Name : createJob

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobType String No description available
jobName String No description available
groupId Integer No description available

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Utility.createModelObject $jobType$-
Job.setName $jobName$-
Job.setGroupId $groupId$-
Job.create no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : createJobObject

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

Creates a job Object without calling save. This will prevent errors later on from other called creates. In addition, This command should be used when creating jobs because of transactionality. If Job.createJob were used, potentially invalid job objects could be created.

jobType is the job type object eg. NSHScriptJob, SnapshotJob, AuditJob,...

jobName is the name of the job

groupId is the ID of the group into which this job will be placed.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobType String Type of Job
jobName String No description available
groupId Integer No description available

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Utility.createModelObject $jobType$-
Job.setName $jobName$-
Job.setGroupId $groupId$-

Command Name : deprecatedGetAssociatedInstance

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : execute

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Description :

This command executes a job and returns immediately without waiting for the job to end. If approval is enabled for the job type, use the executeWithApproval command instead.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to execute.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.execute_api $jobKey$-

Command Name : execute

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.execute-api $jobId$-

Command Name : execute

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer no description
deviceIds java.util.List no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.execute-api $jobId$ $deviceIds$-

Command Name : execute-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer no description

Command Name : execute-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer no description
deviceIds java.util.List no description

Command Name : executeAgainstComponentGroups

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Yaara Kohavi

Description :

This command executes a job against one or more component groups. This command returns a schedule ID, which indicates when the job is scheduled to run.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job you want to execute. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command. Use the groupsName argument to provide one or more fully qualified paths to the target component group(s) (for example, /WestCoast/Windows). Separate groups with commas.

Note: To use this command on an Advanced Deploy Job, the Reset job on failure option must be selected for the job, so that failed job runs are automatically reset. In addition, the last job run must not be in incomplete state. If necessary, you can manually reset the job.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to execute.
groupsName Full path(s) and name(s) of the component group(s).


The following example executes a job against the component groups compGroup1 and compGroup2.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

blcli Job executeAgainstComponentGroups $JOB_KEY /Components/compGroup1,/Components/compGroup2

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstComponentGroups_api $jobKey$ $groupsName$-

Command Name : executeAgainstComponentGroupsForRunID

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Sivan Lahav

Description :

This command executes a job against one or more component groups. This command blocks until a job run is created for the job, and then returns the job run key.

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job you want to execute. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command. Use the groupsName argument to provide one or more fully qualified paths to the target component group(s) (for example, /WestCoast/Windows). Separate groups with commas.

Note: To use this command on an Advanced Deploy Job, the Reset job on failure option must be selected for the job, so that failed job runs are automatically reset. In addition, the last job run must not be in incomplete state. If necessary, you can manually reset the job.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to execute.
groupsName Full path(s) and name(s) of the component group(s).


The following example executes a job against compGroup1 and compGroup2.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

blcli Job executeAgainstComponentGroupsForRunID $JOB_KEY /Components/compGroup1,/Components/compGroup2

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstComponentGroupsForRunID_api $jobKey$ $groupsName$-
JobRun.getJobRunKey no input-

Command Name : executeAgainstComponentGroupsForRunID_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetComponentGroups no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstComponentGroupsForRunID_api-api $jobkey$ $targetComponentGroups$-

Command Name : executeAgainstComponentGroupsForRunID_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetComponentGroups no description

Command Name : executeAgainstComponentGroups_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetComponentGroups no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstComponentGroups_api-api $jobkey$ $targetComponentGroups$-

Command Name : executeAgainstComponentGroups_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetComponentGroups no description

Command Name : executeAgainstComponents

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description
targetServers no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstComponents-api $jobKey$ $targetServers$-

Command Name : executeAgainstComponents-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description
targetServers no description

Command Name : executeAgainstComponents_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstComponents_api-api $jobkey$ $targetServers$-

Command Name : executeAgainstComponents_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Command Name : executeAgainstFailedTarget

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Yaara Kohavi

Description :

This command executes a job against its failed targets.

Use the filterType argument to specify which type of failure you want to execute against. Set filterType to one of the following integers:

This command returns the schedule ID of the job, or, if no targets fit the filter, it returns 0.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.
filterType Integer The failure level of the targets you want to execute against.


The following example shows how to execute a job against its failed targets.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /tasks tstJob`

blcli Job executeAgainstFailedTarget $JOB_KEY 1

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
JobRun.findLastRunKeyByJobKey $jobKey$ truejobRunDBKey
JobRun.jobRunKeyToJobRunId NAMED_OBJECT=jobRunDBKeyjobRunId
Job.executeAgainstFailedTarget_api $jobKey$ $filterType$ NAMED_OBJECT=jobRunId-

Command Name : executeAgainstFailedTarget_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

this API is for CLI call Execute job against failed target from a specific jobRun

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description
filterType Integer 1-All 2-error 3-warning
jobRunId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstFailedTarget_api-api $jobKey$ $filterType$ $jobRunId$-

Command Name : executeAgainstFailedTarget_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

this API is for CLI call Execute job against failed target from a specific jobRun

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description
filterType Integer 1-All 2-error 3-warning
jobRunId Integer no description

Command Name : executeAgainstServerGroups

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Description :

This command executes a job against one or more server groups. This command returns the schedule ID of the job.

Note: To use this command on an Advanced Deploy Job, the Reset job on failure option must be selected for the job, so that failed job runs are automatically reset. In addition, the last job run must not be in incomplete state. If necessary, you can manually reset the job.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job.
serverGroups List of server groups.


The following example executes a job against server groups named /myGroup and /myOtherGroup.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

blcli Job executeAgainstServerGroups $JOB_KEY /myGroup,/myOtherGroup

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstServerGroups_api $jobKey$ $serverGroups$-

Command Name : executeAgainstServerGroupsForRunID

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Sivan Lahav

Description :

This command executes a job against one or more server groups. This command blocks until a job run is created for the job, and then returns the job run key.

Note: To use this command on an Advanced Deploy Job, the Reset job on failure option must be selected for the job, so that failed job runs are automatically reset. In addition, the last job run must not be in incomplete state. If necessary, you can manually reset the job.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job.
serverGroups List of server groups.


The following example executes a job against server groups named /myGroup and /myOtherGroup.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

blcli Job executeAgainstServerGroupsForRunID $JOB_KEY /myGroup,/myOtherGroup

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstServerGroupsForRunID_api $jobKey$ $serverGroups$-
JobRun.getJobRunKey no input-

Command Name : executeAgainstServerGroupsForRunID_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServerGroups no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstServerGroupsForRunID_api-api $jobkey$ $targetServerGroups$-

Command Name : executeAgainstServerGroupsForRunID_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServerGroups no description

Command Name : executeAgainstServerGroups_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServerGroups no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstServerGroups_api-api $jobkey$ $targetServerGroups$-

Command Name : executeAgainstServerGroups_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServerGroups no description

Command Name : executeAgainstServers

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Yaara Kohavi

Description :

This command executes a job against specified targets. The targets are not necessarily defined as the job targets and do not change the job targets definition.

This command returns the schedule ID of the job.

Note: To use this command on an Advanced Deploy Job, the Reset job on failure option must be selected for the job, so that failed job runs are automatically reset. In addition, the last job run must not be in incomplete state. If necessary, you can manually reset the job.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job.
serversName List of server names.


The following example executes a job against servers named engrhas21agt1 and engrhas21agt2.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

blcli Job executeAgainstServers $JOB_KEY engrhas21agt1,engrhas21agt2

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstServers_api $jobKey$ $serversName$-

Command Name : executeAgainstServersForRunID

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Sivan Lahav

Description :

This command executes a job against specified targets. The targets are not necessarily defined as the job targets and do not change the job targets definition.

This command blocks until a job run is created for the job, and then returns the job run key.

Note: To use this command on an Advanced Deploy Job, the Reset job on failure option must be selected for the job, so that failed job runs are automatically reset. In addition, the last job run must not be in incomplete state. If necessary, you can manually reset the job.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job.
serversName List of server names.


The following example executes a job against servers named engrhas21agt1 and engrhas21agt2.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

blcli Job executeAgainstServersForRunID $JOB_KEY engrhas21agt1,engrhas21agt2

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstServersForRunID_api $jobKey$ $serversName$-
JobRun.getJobRunKey no input-

Command Name : executeAgainstServersForRunID_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstServersForRunID_api-api $jobkey$ $targetServers$-

Command Name : executeAgainstServersForRunID_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Command Name : executeAgainstServers_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAgainstServers_api-api $jobkey$ $targetServers$-

Command Name : executeAgainstServers_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Command Name : executeAndReturnScheduleID

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndReturnScheduleID-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : executeAndReturnScheduleID-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Command Name : executeAndWait

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Goes to the app server, executes a job, waits until execution is done and returns the JobRun that resulted from that.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
jobKey DBKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWait-api $typeId$ $jobKey$-

Command Name : executeAndWait

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
jobId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWait-api $typeId$ $jobId$-

Command Name : executeAndWait

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
jobId Integer no description
pi no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWait-api $typeId$ $jobId$ $pi$-

Command Name : executeAndWait-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Goes to the app server, executes a job, waits until execution is done and returns the JobRun that resulted from that.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
jobKey DBKey no description

Command Name : executeAndWait-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
jobId Integer no description

Command Name : executeAndWait-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
jobId Integer no description
pi no description

Command Name : executeAndWaitAgainstComponentGroups

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Yaara Kohavi

Description :

The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command. Use the groupName argument to provide the fully qualified path to the target component group (for example, /WestCoast/Windows).

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to be updated.
groupsName Name of the component group.


The following example execute job against server named engrhas21agt1 and engrhas21agt2 with the job specified by JobDBKey.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

blcli Job executeAndWaitAgainstComponentGroups $JOB_KEY compGroup1,compGroup2

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWaitAgainstComponentGroups_api $jobKey$ $groupsName$-
JobRun.getJobRunKey no input-

Command Name : executeAndWaitAgainstComponentGroups_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetComponentGroups no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWaitAgainstComponentGroups_api-api $jobkey$ $targetComponentGroups$-

Command Name : executeAndWaitAgainstComponentGroups_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetComponentGroups no description

Command Name : executeAndWaitAgainstServerGroups

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job
serverGroups List of server groups.


The following example execute job against server named engrhas21agt1 and engrhas21agt2 with the job specified by JobDBKey.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

blcli Job executeAndWaitAgainstServerGroups $JOB_KEY /myGroup

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWaitAgainstServerGroups_api $jobKey$ $serverGroups$-
JobRun.getJobRunKey no input-

Command Name : executeAndWaitAgainstServerGroups_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServerGroups no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWaitAgainstServerGroups_api-api $jobkey$ $targetServerGroups$-

Command Name : executeAndWaitAgainstServerGroups_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServerGroups no description

Command Name : executeAndWaitAgainstServers

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Yaara Kohavi

Description :

Executes a job against specified targets. The targets are not necessarily defined as the job targets and do not change the job targets definition. If approval is enabled for the job type use the other command which takes in approval id as an additional input.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job
serversName List of servers name.


The following example execute job against server named engrhas21agt1 and engrhas21agt2 with the job specified by JobDBKey.


JOB_KEY=`blcli SnapshotJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /snapshots tstSnap`

blcli Job executeAndWaitAgainstServers $JOB_KEY engrhas21agt1,engrhas21agt2

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWaitAgainstServers_api $jobKey$ $serversName$-
JobRun.getJobRunKey no input-

Command Name : executeAndWaitAgainstServers_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWaitAgainstServers_api-api $jobkey$ $targetServers$-

Command Name : executeAndWaitAgainstServers_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobkey no description
targetServers no description

Command Name : executeAndWaitForRunID

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWaitForRunID-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : executeAndWaitForRunID-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Command Name : executeAndWaitWithApproval

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Executes a job and wait for the job run to complete with a particular approval id.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
approvalId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWaitWithApproval-api $jobKey$ $approvalId$-

Command Name : executeAndWaitWithApproval-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Executes a job and wait for the job run to complete with a particular approval id.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
approvalId Integer no description

Command Name : executeJobAndReturnScheduleID

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command executes a job and returns the schedule id.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey A handle to the job you want to execute.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Job.executeAndReturnScheduleID $jobKey$-

Command Name : executeJobAndWait

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Tim Wills

Description :

Executes a job and waits for the job to end before returning the job run key.If approval is enabled for the job type use the other command which takes in approval id as an additional input.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey The handle to the job to run

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.getType no inputjobTypeId
Job.executeAndWait NAMED_OBJECT=jobTypeId $jobKey$-
JobRun.getJobRunKey no input-

Command Name : executeJobAndWait

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Description :

Executes a job and waits for the job to end before returning the job run key.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobType Integer No description available
jobKey DBKey No description available

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Job.executeAndWait $jobType$ $jobKey$-
JobRun.getJobRunKey no input-

Command Name : executeJobAndWaitForRunID

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Andrew Mellors

Description :

This command executes a job and waits for the Job Run ID before returning the job run key.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey A handle to the job you want to execute.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.checkApprovalEnabled $jobKey$ false-
Job.executeAndWaitForRunID $jobKey$-
JobRun.getJobRunKey no input-

Command Name : executeJobAndWaitForRunIDWithApproval

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Executes a job and wait for the job run id with a particular approval id.

job run key

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
approvalId Integer approval id

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeJobAndWaitForRunIDWithApproval-api $jobKey$ $approvalId$-

Command Name : executeJobAndWaitForRunIDWithApproval-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Executes a job and wait for the job run id with a particular approval id.

job run key

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
approvalId Integer approval id

Command Name : executeJobAndWaitWithApproval

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Description :

Executes a job and wait for the job run id with a particular approval id. Only approvals with approval type pre-approved, automatic and emergency would be executed.

JobRunKey dbKey

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey A handle to the Job to be executed.
approvalId Integer approval id

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeAndWaitWithApproval $jobKey$ $approvalId$-

Command Name : executeJobWithApprovalAndWaitForRunID

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Ayyappa Muthusami

Description :

This command executes a job and waits for the job run ID before returning the job run key. The job execution starts only after receiving an approval.

This command returns the DBKey of the job run.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey A handle to the job you want to execute.
approvalId Integer Approval ID.


The following example shows how to execute a job with approval and wait for the job run ID.


JOB_KEY=`blcli FileDeployJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /filedeploy filedeployjob`

JOB_APPROVAL_ID=`blcli Job createApproval 2 2 "My change" 2 3 "" ""`

JOB_RUN_ID=`blcli Job executeJobWithApprovalAndWaitForRunID $JOB_KEY $JOB_APPROVAL_ID`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeJobAndWaitForRunIDWithApproval $jobKey$ $approvalId$-

Command Name : executeWithApproval

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Description :

This command executes a job and returns immediately without waiting for the job to end. Job execution starts only after receiving an approval.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job to execute.
approvalId Integer Approval ID.


The following example shows how to execute a job with approval.


JOB_KEY=`blcli FileDeployJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /filedeploy filedeployjob`

JOB_APPROVAL_ID=`blcli Job createApproval 2 2 "My change" 2 3 "" ""`

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job executeWithApproval $JOB_KEY $JOB_APPROVAL_ID`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeWithApprovalAPI $jobKey$ $approvalId$-

Command Name : executeWithApprovalAPI

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Creates a schedule with the given approval id, job id and execute now schedule frequency, if the approval has been approved, the job will be executed when the scheduler pick it up.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
approvalId Integer approval id

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.executeWithApprovalAPI-api $jobKey$ $approvalId$-

Command Name : executeWithApprovalAPI-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Creates a schedule with the given approval id, job id and execute now schedule frequency, if the approval has been approved, the job will be executed when the scheduler pick it up.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
approvalId Integer approval id

Command Name : execute_api

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.execute_api-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : execute_api-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Command Name : expandServerGroups

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Expands the server groups of a given job to servers and then adds the servers individually back to the job

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
job no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.expandServerGroups-api $job$-

Command Name : expandServerGroups-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Expands the server groups of a given job to servers and then adds the servers individually back to the job

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
job no description

Command Name : findAllByGroupId

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description
recursive Boolean no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllByGroupId-api $groupId$ $recursive$-

Command Name : findAllByGroupId-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description
recursive Boolean no description

Command Name : findAllByJobType

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllByJobType-api $modelType$-

Command Name : findAllByJobType-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description

Command Name : findAllByType

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllByType-api $modelType$-

Command Name : findAllByType-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description

Command Name : findAllByTypeAndServer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
serverId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllByTypeAndServer-api $typeId$ $serverId$-

Command Name : findAllByTypeAndServer-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
serverId Integer no description

Command Name : findAllExecutableJobsForRole

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns the list of all jobs which can be executed by a given role.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
roleId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllExecutableJobsForRole-api $roleId$-

Command Name : findAllExecutableJobsForRole-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns the list of all jobs which can be executed by a given role.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
roleId Integer no description

Command Name : findAllHeadersByGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllHeadersByGroup-api $groupId$-

Command Name : findAllHeadersByGroup-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description

Command Name : findAllHeadersByGroupId

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllHeadersByGroupId-api $groupId$-

Command Name : findAllHeadersByGroupId-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description

Command Name : findAllHeadersByType

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllHeadersByType-api $modelType$-

Command Name : findAllHeadersByType-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description

Command Name : findAllHeadersByTypeAndName

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description
name String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllHeadersByTypeAndName-api $modelType$ $name$-

Command Name : findAllHeadersByTypeAndName-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description
name String no description

Command Name : findAllHeadersByTypeAndServer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
serverId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findAllHeadersByTypeAndServer-api $typeId$ $serverId$-

Command Name : findAllHeadersByTypeAndServer-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
serverId Integer no description

Command Name : findBatchJobJobKeysByMemberJob

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findBatchJobJobKeysByMemberJob-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : findBatchJobJobKeysByMemberJob-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description

Command Name : findByAssociatedInstance

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
instanceKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByAssociatedInstance-api $instanceKey$-

Command Name : findByAssociatedInstance-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
instanceKey no description

Command Name : findByDBKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : findByDBKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
breakObj Boolean no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey-api $jobKey$ $breakObj$-

Command Name : findByDBKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Command Name : findByDBKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description
breakObj Boolean no description

Command Name : findByDBKeyAndRunId

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description
runId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKeyAndRunId-api $jobKey$ $runId$-

Command Name : findByDBKeyAndRunId-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description
runId Integer no description

Command Name : findByJobRun

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
runKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByJobRun-api $runKey$-

Command Name : findByJobRun-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
runKey no description

Command Name : findByObjectId

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
objectId no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByObjectId-api $objectId$-

Command Name : findByObjectId-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
objectId no description

Command Name : findByTypeAndKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
jobKey DBKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByTypeAndKey-api $typeId$ $jobKey$-

Command Name : findByTypeAndKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
jobKey DBKey no description

Command Name : findByTypeGroupAndName

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobType Integer no description
groupKey DBKey no description
jobName String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByTypeGroupAndName-api $jobType$ $groupKey$ $jobName$-

Command Name : findByTypeGroupAndName

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description
groupId Integer no description
jobName String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByTypeGroupAndName-api $modelType$ $groupId$ $jobName$-

Command Name : findByTypeGroupAndName

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Amos Benninga

Description :

Find a job given the job name and the full path to the parent group

To find the job model type names, check: getFullyResolvedPropertyValue .

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupName String No description available
jobName String No description available
jobType Integer No description available

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
JobGroup.groupNameToDBKey $groupName$groupDBKey
Job.findByTypeGroupAndName $jobType$ NAMED_OBJECT=groupDBKey $jobName$-

Command Name : findByTypeGroupAndName-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobType Integer no description
groupKey DBKey no description
jobName String no description

Command Name : findByTypeGroupAndName-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description
groupId Integer no description
jobName String no description

Command Name : findHeaderByDBKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findHeaderByDBKey-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : findHeaderByDBKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Command Name : findHeaderByTypeGroupAndName

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description
groupId Integer no description
jobName String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findHeaderByTypeGroupAndName-api $modelType$ $groupId$ $jobName$-

Command Name : findHeaderByTypeGroupAndName-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
modelType Integer no description
groupId Integer no description
jobName String no description

Command Name : findJobKeysByDepotObjectKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
depotKey no description
modelType Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findJobKeysByDepotObjectKey-api $depotKey$ $modelType$-

Command Name : findJobKeysByDepotObjectKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
depotKey no description
modelType Integer no description

Command Name : findJobKeysByServerGroupKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Retrieve keys for all Jobs assigned to a Server Group.

a List of {@link SJobKey} objects that represent the Jobs that are assigned to this server group.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupKey -- an SBLGroupKey instance representing the target Server Group.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findJobKeysByServerGroupKey-api $groupKey$-

Command Name : findJobKeysByServerGroupKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Retrieve keys for all Jobs assigned to a Server Group.

a List of {@link SJobKey} objects that represent the Jobs that are assigned to this server group.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupKey -- an SBLGroupKey instance representing the target Server Group.

Command Name : findJobKeysByTemplateKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Retrieve keys for all Jobs containing a given component template.

a List of {@link SJobKey} objects that represent the Jobs containing this component template.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
templateKey -- an instance of StemplateKey class representing the contained template.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findJobKeysByTemplateKey-api $templateKey$-

Command Name : findJobKeysByTemplateKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Retrieve keys for all Jobs containing a given component template.

a List of {@link SJobKey} objects that represent the Jobs containing this component template.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
templateKey -- an instance of StemplateKey class representing the contained template.

Command Name : findJobOptionValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Quick way to find the option value of a job, given the option id. No need to retrieve the entire job object and then call getOptionValue() on it.

the string value of the specified Job Option

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer the id of a Deploy Job
optionId Integer the id of a Job Option

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findJobOptionValue-api $jobId$ $optionId$-

Command Name : findJobOptionValue-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Quick way to find the option value of a job, given the option id. No need to retrieve the entire job object and then call getOptionValue() on it.

the string value of the specified Job Option

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer the id of a Deploy Job
optionId Integer the id of a Job Option

Command Name : findJobRunsByCondition

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return JobRun objects for a Job where the additionalConditions may include PageSpec and ClassSpec settings to allow paging over a very large number of JobRun Objects.

list of JobRun.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
job is the parent job.
additionalConditions is whatever you want to add to an nary condition.
classSpec is from PropertySetClass.JOB_RESULT to get all subclasses.
pagingSpec allows to deal with huge numbers of results per run.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findJobRunsByCondition-api $job$ $additionalConditions$ $classSpec$ $pagingSpec$-

Command Name : findJobRunsByCondition-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return JobRun objects for a Job where the additionalConditions may include PageSpec and ClassSpec settings to allow paging over a very large number of JobRun Objects.

list of JobRun.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
job is the parent job.
additionalConditions is whatever you want to add to an nary condition.
classSpec is from PropertySetClass.JOB_RESULT to get all subclasses.
pagingSpec allows to deal with huge numbers of results per run.

Command Name : findLatestById

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
id Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findLatestById-api $id$-

Command Name : findLatestById-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
id Integer no description

Command Name : findLatestHeaderById

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findLatestHeaderById-api $jobId$-

Command Name : findLatestHeaderById-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer no description

Command Name : findLatestHeadersByIds

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobIds java.util.Set no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findLatestHeadersByIds-api $jobIds$-

Command Name : findLatestHeadersByIds-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobIds java.util.Set no description

Command Name : findNoAccessJobs

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findNoAccessJobs-api $groupId$-

Command Name : findNoAccessJobs-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description

Command Name : findParentDeployJobKeyByChildJobKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a log level of the parent deploy job set from UI.

jobId of the parent Deploy job

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer - jobId of a child job

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findParentDeployJobKeyByChildJobKey-api $jobId$-

Command Name : findParentDeployJobKeyByChildJobKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a log level of the parent deploy job set from UI.

jobId of the parent Deploy job

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer - jobId of a child job

Command Name : findParentPSIKeyByChildJobBlValueKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a SBlValueKey of the parent job based upon the job key and type of its child

The SBlValueKey of the parent job

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey - SBlValueKey of a job
type Integer - Type of job

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findParentPSIKeyByChildJobBlValueKey-api $jobKey$ $type$-

Command Name : findParentPSIKeyByChildJobBlValueKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a SBlValueKey of the parent job based upon the job key and type of its child

The SBlValueKey of the parent job

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey - SBlValueKey of a job
type Integer - Type of job

Command Name : findTargetServersByJobRun

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description
jobRunId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findTargetServersByJobRun-api $jobKey$ $jobRunId$-

Command Name : findTargetServersByJobRun-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description
jobRunId Integer no description

Command Name : findTargetServersByServerStates

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a list of server names that are target of a job specified by jobKey and in one of the given states specified by serverStates. The server state names should be separated by comma.

a list of server names that are target of the given job and in the given state.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey - DBKey of a job
serverStates String - Comma separated server state names

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findTargetServersByServerStates-api $jobKey$ $serverStates$-

Command Name : findTargetServersByServerStates-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a list of server names that are target of a job specified by jobKey and in one of the given states specified by serverStates. The server state names should be separated by comma.

a list of server names that are target of the given job and in the given state.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey - DBKey of a job
serverStates String - Comma separated server state names

Command Name : findTargetSmartGroupsByJobKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a list of smart group names that are target of a job specified by jobKey.

a list of smart group names that are target of the given job and in the given state.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey - DBKey of a job

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findTargetSmartGroupsByJobKey-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : findTargetSmartGroupsByJobKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a list of smart group names that are target of a job specified by jobKey.

a list of smart group names that are target of the given job and in the given state.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey - DBKey of a job

Command Name : findTargetStaticGroupsByJobKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a list of static server group names that are target of a job specified by jobKey.

a list of static group names that are target of the given job and in the given state.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey - DBKey of a job

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findTargetStaticGroupsByJobKey-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : findTargetStaticGroupsByJobKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns a list of static server group names that are target of a job specified by jobKey.

a list of static group names that are target of the given job and in the given state.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey - DBKey of a job

Command Name : fromBlMessage

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
msg no description

Command Name : getAllTemplates

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns a Map of all the component templates for the job, mapping from the component dbkey to the component.

<b>Map</b> - the Map of DBKey to TemplateSvr objects.

Return type : java.util.Map

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getAllTemplates

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns a Map of all the component templates for the job, mapping from the component dbkey to the component.

<b>Map</b> - the Map of DBKey to TemplateSvr objects.

Return type : java.util.Map

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
bForceLoadFromDB Boolean no description

Command Name : getAllTemplates

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns a Map of all the component templates for the job, mapping from the component dbkey to the component and can Skip RBAC check based on falg passed.

<b>Map</b> - the Map of DBKey to TemplateSvr objects.

Return type : java.util.Map

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
bForceLoadFromDB Boolean no description
skipRBACCheck Boolean no description

Command Name : getAssociatedInstance

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Jobs are both PropertySetInstances and PropertySetClasses. they are instances of the JOB class This object is the instance of the JOB class


Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getAuditTrail

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Collection

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getAuditTrail

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Collection

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
key no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.getAuditTrail-api $key$-

Command Name : getAuditTrail-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Collection

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
key no description

Command Name : getAutoGenerated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getAvailableClassFields

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the list of ClassField's that are available in this instantiation of the object

the available ClassField's

Return type : java.util.Collection

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getBlAcl

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getBlAclId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getBlValueKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getClassType

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the ClassType of this object, either PropertySetClass or BlAssetClass

the ClassType

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getCreatedByRoleId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getCreatedByUserId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getDBKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getDBKeyByTypeGroupAndName

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Amos Benninga

Description :

Find a DBKey to a job given the job name and the full path to the parent group

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupName String No description available
jobName String No description available
jobType Integer No description available

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByTypeGroupAndName $groupName$ $jobName$ $jobType$jobReference
Utility.setTargetObject jobReference-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : getDateCreated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Date

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getDateModified

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Date

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getDefaultValueClass

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the class that holds the defaultValue for the specified ClassField

the defaultValue class

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : getDeployJobMaxRunId

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.getDeployJobMaxRunId-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : getDeployJobMaxRunId-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey no description

Command Name : getDepotObjectKeys

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getDepotObjectKeysByAssocType

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
assocType Integer no description

Command Name : getDepotSoftwarePartList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Set

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
depotObjectKey DBKey no description

Command Name : getDescription

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getDisableRootLogsOption

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getDisplayValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

returns a value (potentially translated) for display


Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getExecutionRole

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getExecutionUser

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getFQTargetSmartGroups

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command returns a list of smart group names (separated by commas) that are targets of a specific Job.

A list of smart group names separated by commas.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.


The following example shows how to get the fully qualified smart group targets of a job.


JOB_KEY=`blcli AuditJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /group1 auditJob1`

blcli Job getFQTargetSmartGroups $JOB_KEY

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findTargetSmartGroupsByJobKey $jobKey$-

Command Name : getFQTargetStaticGroups

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command returns a list of static group names (separated by commas) that are targets of a specific Job.

A list of static server group names separated by commas.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.


The following example shows how to get the fully qualified static group targets of a job.


JOB_KEY=`blcli AuditJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /group1 auditJob1`

blcli Job getFQTargetStaticGroups $JOB_KEY

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findTargetStaticGroupsByJobKey $jobKey$-

Command Name : getFolderHierarchyByDBKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
key DBKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.getFolderHierarchyByDBKey-api $key$-

Command Name : getFolderHierarchyByDBKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
key DBKey no description

Command Name : getFullyQualifiedPath

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getFullyResolvedPropertyValue

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Yidong Wang

Description :

This command returns the fully resolved value of a given property in a given job. Using dot notation, you can get a nested property value in a job, as shown in the example below.

As input, you must provide a string describing the type of job. The valid job type strings are:

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobTypeString String String representation of the job type. Valid job type strings are listed above.
jobGroupName String Name of the job group.
jobName String Name of the job.
propertyName String Name of the property whose value you want to get.



The following example gets the fully resolved property value of the nested property SUB_PROP, which resides in the property JOB_PROP. JOB_PROP is a property of a deploy job named testJob in the job group tstJobGroup:


blcli Job getFullyResolvedPropertyValue "DEPLOY_JOB" /tstJobGroup testJob JOB_PROP.SUB_PROP


The following example gets the fully resolved property value of the PRIORITY* property. Note that the property name has an asterisk * at the end of it.


blcli Job getFullyResolvedPropertyValue UPDATE_SERVER_PROPERTY_JOB /All_Jobs USP_Job_1 PRIORITY*

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Utility.convertModelType $jobTypeString$modelType
Job.findByTypeGroupAndName $jobGroupName$ $jobName$ NAMED_OBJECT=modelTypejob
Job.getFullyResolvedValueAsString $propertyName$-

Command Name : getFullyResolvedValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the BlValue for the specified ClassField with property references expanded. This will never return null. If the value is a PropertyReferenceValue, this method will return the value referenced by the ReferenceValue in the context of this instance.

the BlValue

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : getFullyResolvedValueAsObject

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the actual value for the specified ClassField with property references expanded. The return type must match the value type for the ClassField.

the value

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : getFullyResolvedValueAsString

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the string value for the specified ClassField with property references expanded. This will never return null. If the value is a PropertyReferenceValue, this method will return the value referenced by the ReferenceValue in the context of this instance.

the string value

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classFieldName String no description

Command Name : getGlobalDefaultJobParallelism

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Retrieves the current global default Job Parallelism value.

-- global default Job parallelism option.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.getGlobalDefaultJobParallelism-api no input-

Command Name : getGlobalDefaultJobParallelism-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Retrieves the current global default Job Parallelism value.

-- global default Job parallelism option.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getGroupId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getGroupId

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Star Moyal

Description :

This command returns the group ID associated with a job.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle of the job


The following example gets the group ID assiciated with the job specified by jobKey.


JOB_KEY=`blcli FileDeployJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /filedeploy filedeployjob`

blcli Job getGroupId $JOB_KEY

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.getGroupId no input-

Command Name : getGuid

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getHeader

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the job header object.

<b>SJobHeader</b> - the header object.

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getInstanceDBKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getJobId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getJobKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the job key.

<b>JobKey</b> - the job key.

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getJobNameByDBKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Jarrod Boland

Description :

This command returns the name of a job using the DBKey as input.

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobDBKey Handle to the job.


The following example will return the name of a job given the job's DBKey.


blcli Job getJobNameByDBKey DBKey:SJobKey:1-1

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobDBKey$-
Job.getName no input-

Command Name : getJobNames

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Set

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description
type Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.getJobNames-api $groupId$ $type$-

Command Name : getJobNames-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Set

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description
type Integer no description

Command Name : getJobPriority

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return the current Priority at the Job PSI level.

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getJobPriorityForJobFramework

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getJobResultPropertyName

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getJobRunsCountByCondition

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return count of JobRuns for this JOb

number of JobRuns.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
parentJob no description
additionalCondition no description
pagingSpec allows to deal with huge numbers of results per run.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.getJobRunsCountByCondition-api $parentJob$ $additionalCondition$ $pagingSpec$-

Command Name : getJobRunsCountByCondition-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return count of JobRuns for this JOb

number of JobRuns.

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
parentJob no description
additionalCondition no description
pagingSpec allows to deal with huge numbers of results per run.

Command Name : getJobVersionId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getLastJobDBKeyByJobId

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Yosef Arraf

Description :

This command returns the last version of a job's DBKey using the Job Id

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
JobId Integer The Job ID.


The following example will return the DBKey of a job given the job's Id.


blcli Job getLastJobDBKeyByJobId $JobId

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findLatestById $JobId$-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : getLockedByUserId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getMaximumNoOfTargetsInJob

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the maximum no of targets that can be part of a single job

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.getMaximumNoOfTargetsInJob-api no input-

Command Name : getMaximumNoOfTargetsInJob-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the maximum no of targets that can be part of a single job

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getModifiedByRoleId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getModifiedByUserId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getModifiedState

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getName

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getNotificationList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getObjectId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the globally-unique identifier for this object

the ObjectId

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getObjectTypeId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getOptionBooleanValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description

Command Name : getOptionIntValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description

Command Name : getOptionStringValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description

Command Name : getOptionValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description

Command Name : getOverriddenClassFields

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the list of ClassField's that are overridden (not default) in this instantiation of the object

the overridden ClassField's

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getOverriddenProperties

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getOverriddenValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the overridden (not default) BlValue for the specified ClassField. Returns null if !this.overridesValue(property). If the value is a PropertyReferenceValue this method will return the ReferenceValue, not the value that is referenced by the ReferenceValue.

the overridden BlValue

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : getOverriddenValueAsObject

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the actual overridden (not default) value for the specified ClassField. The return type must match the value type for the ClassField.

the value

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : getParallelProcs

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getParentJobId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.lang.Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getParentJobVersionId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the parent job's version id for this job

Return type : java.lang.Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getPartTimeout

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getPropertySetClass

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getPropertyValueAsString

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propName String no description

Command Name : getPropertyValueAsString

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propName String no description
failOnError Boolean no description

Command Name : getRoleCreated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getRoleModified

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJob

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This is here temporarily to allow a transition for code that was previously casting Job to SJob. This stopped working when SJob was moved to composition, rather than extension.

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobAssetClassList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobComponentGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the list of component groups for this job.

<b>List<b> - List of SJobComponentGroup objects.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobComponentList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the list of components for this job.

<b>List</b> - a List of SJobComponent objects.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobDepotObjectGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobDepotObjectGroupListByAssocType

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
assocType Integer no description

Command Name : getSJobDeviceGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the list of server groups for this job.

<b>List<b> - List of SJobDeviceGroup objects.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobDeviceList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobMasterComponentList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobMasterDeviceList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the list of master devices for the job.

<b>List</b> - List of SJobMasterDevice objects.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobMasterSnapshotList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the list of master snapshots for this job.

<b>List</b> - the list of SJobMasterSnapshot objects.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobSnapshotList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobTargetJobGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobTargetJobList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobTemplateGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the list of template groups for this job.

<b>List</b> - the list of SJobTemplateGroup objects.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getSJobTemplateList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the list of templates for this job.

<b>List</b> - the list of SJobTemplate objects.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getServersByState

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Used by CLI to get a list of target Servers that are in the specified states

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
serverStates String a String of one or more server state separated by commas

Command Name : getServersByState

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns a list of target Servers that are in the specified states.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
serverStateIds java.util.List a list of Server State ID (see ServerStateEnum) of one or more server state

Command Name : getTargetServers

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Kin Kiu Yiu

Description :

This command returns a list of server names (separated by commas) that are targets of a specific Job. Only servers in the state(s) specified by the serverState argument are returned. This command is deprecated. Use the listTargetServers command instead.

The serverState argument can be combination of the following. Separate multiple states by commas:

Note: This command is not relevant for Provisioning Jobs.

A list of server names separated by commas.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.
serverState String The desired server states.


The following example shows how to get the DECOMMISSIONED or NOT_ENROLLED server targets of a job.


JOB_KEY=`blcli AuditJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /group1 auditJob1`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findTargetServersByServerStates $jobKey$ $serverState$-

Command Name : getTargets

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Manish Ansingkar

Description :

This command returns a list of target names (separated by commas) that are targets of a specific Job. blcli Job getTargets $JOB_KEY targetTypes This command is deprecated. Use the listTargets instead.

The argument targetTypes can have following values. Separate multiple targetTypes by comma:

The argument JOB_KEY is a handle to the job being queried. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the getDBKeyByGroupAndName for that particular job type. Below example is for AuditJob. AuditJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

A list of target names separated by commas.

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.
targetTypes String The desired target type(s).


The following example shows how to use this blcli to get the targets of a job.

Note: This blcli does not distinguish between Enrolled, Non-Enrolled, decomissioned servers when you query by using option "Servers". Use getTargetServers blcli for the same.


JOB_KEY=`blcli AuditJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /group1 auditJob1`

blcli Job getTargets $JOB_KEY Components

blcli Job getTargets $JOB_KEY Servers,Components

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.getTargetsByTargetTypes $targetTypes$-

Command Name : getTargetsByTargetTypes

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Used by CLI to get a list of targets that are in the specified types

Return type : java.util.List

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
targetTypes String a String of one or more target type separated by commas (viz: Servers,Components)

Command Name : getTimeout

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getTotalTargetCountForBatchJob

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns total count of targets in Batch Job

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
batchJobId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.getTotalTargetCountForBatchJob-api $batchJobId$-

Command Name : getTotalTargetCountForBatchJob-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns total count of targets in Batch Job

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
batchJobId Integer no description

Command Name : getType

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getUserCreated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getUserModified

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the BlValue for a ClassField. This will never return null. If the value is a PropertyReferenceValue, this method will return the ReferenceValue, not the value that is referenced by the ReferenceValue.

the BlValue

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : getValueAsObject

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns the actual value for a ClassField. The return type must match the value type for the ClassField.

the value

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : getValueAsString

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

should only apply to primitives

a string rep of the value

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : getValueByPropertyString

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propName String no description

Command Name : getValueType

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

the type of this value This will never return null.

Return type :

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : handler

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
cid Integer no description
r no description
pD java.lang.Object no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.handler-api $cid$ $r$ $pD$-

Command Name : handler-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
cid Integer no description
r no description
pD java.lang.Object no description

Command Name : hasAvailableClassField

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns whether a specific ClassField is available in this instantiation of the object

true if available

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : hasOptionValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description

Command Name : hasValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : hasValueType

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : invokeBLIP

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Invoke BLIP function to check the job is in white-list.

0 means job is running against allowable number of targets and it is in while-list. Otherwise, either of them not satisfied. BLIP: BladeLogic Intelligent Pre-check.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer no description
deviceIds java.util.Set no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.invokeBLIP-api $jobId$ $deviceIds$-

Command Name : invokeBLIP-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Invoke BLIP function to check the job is in white-list.

0 means job is running against allowable number of targets and it is in while-list. Otherwise, either of them not satisfied. BLIP: BladeLogic Intelligent Pre-check.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobId Integer no description
deviceIds java.util.Set no description

Command Name : invokeBLIPForBatchJob

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
batchJobId Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.invokeBLIPForBatchJob-api $batchJobId$-

Command Name : invokeBLIPForBatchJob

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
batchJobId Integer no description
deviceIds java.util.Set no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.invokeBLIPForBatchJob-api $batchJobId$ $deviceIds$-

Command Name : invokeBLIPForBatchJob-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
batchJobId Integer no description

Command Name : invokeBLIPForBatchJob-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
batchJobId Integer no description
deviceIds java.util.Set no description

Command Name : isAnonymous

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isApprovalEnabled

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Check whether approval is enabled for the job type or if the approval type is Pre-Approved approval type with one of the approval supported job types. Throws Exception if both are false.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
job no description
approvalRequest no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.isApprovalEnabled-api $job$ $approvalRequest$-

Command Name : isApprovalEnabled-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Check whether approval is enabled for the job type or if the approval type is Pre-Approved approval type with one of the approval supported job types. Throws Exception if both are false.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
job no description
approvalRequest no description

Command Name : isAssociated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isBroken

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns true if this job is in a broken state (caused by the deletion of a referenced object). Note: In 7.5, only Deploy Jobs can be broken.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this job has been broken.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isBuiltInObjectModified

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isCLAVersion2

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.isCLAVersion2-api no input-

Command Name : isCLAVersion2-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isCustomObjectModified

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isDebugModeEnabled

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isDeleted

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns true if this job is in a deleted state.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this job has been deleted.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isDeprecated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isEnableBlip

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns if BLIP feature is enabled

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.isEnableBlip-api no input-

Command Name : isEnableBlip-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns if BLIP feature is enabled

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isFullModelObject

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

True if this object can be cast to it's main type, e.g. ServerImpl, false for GenericPSIImpl, etc

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isJobModifiedForAccessCheck

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns whether the job should be access checked for .Modify

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isJobNameExists

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description
name String no description
type Integer no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.isJobNameExists-api $groupId$ $name$ $type$-

Command Name : isJobNameExists-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupId Integer no description
name String no description
type Integer no description

Command Name : isJobOutputEnabled

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This service determine whether Job Output functionality (both Job Result and NSH Job Output/Error) is enabled and visible by the UI. Can be modified using blasadmin.

true if Job Output functionality is enabled

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.isJobOutputEnabled-api no input-

Command Name : isJobOutputEnabled-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This service determine whether Job Output functionality (both Job Result and NSH Job Output/Error) is enabled and visible by the UI. Can be modified using blasadmin.

true if Job Output functionality is enabled

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isJobTemplate

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isLatestVersion

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isLimitMaxTargetsInJobEnabled

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns if the admin has enabled to check the maximum no of targets that can be part of a single job

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.isLimitMaxTargetsInJobEnabled-api no input-

Command Name : isLimitMaxTargetsInJobEnabled-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method returns if the admin has enabled to check the maximum no of targets that can be part of a single job

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isModified

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isNew

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isNoAccessValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

true if this value represents the no-access null value.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isNullValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

true if this value represents a null value.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isPropertyNative

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
property no description

Command Name : isSavedExplicitly

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isShowConfirmationOnTargetSelectionEnabled

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Check if the configuration property "ShowConfirmationOnTargetSelection" is enabled.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.isShowConfirmationOnTargetSelectionEnabled-api no input-

Command Name : isShowConfirmationOnTargetSelectionEnabled-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Check if the configuration property "ShowConfirmationOnTargetSelection" is enabled.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isSimilar

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
val no description

Command Name : isSkipPSIValidation

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isSkipReqValueValidation

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isSynchronize

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isTargetsModified

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns true if the targets of this job have been modified since the last time it was saved.

<b>boolean</b> - true if the targets have been modified.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isUpdated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

true if the contents are never saved (core data modified or non-core data modified).

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isUseForServiceContext

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : isValueIgnored

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : jobExistsByDBKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.jobExistsByDBKey-api $jobKey$-

Command Name : jobExistsByDBKey-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey no description

Command Name : jobExistsByTypeGroupAndName

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
groupKey DBKey no description
jobName String no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.jobExistsByTypeGroupAndName-api $typeId$ $groupKey$ $jobName$-

Command Name : jobExistsByTypeGroupAndName-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
groupKey DBKey no description
jobName String no description

Command Name : jobExistsByTypeStringGroupAndName

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Bill Robinson

Description :

This command checks if a job exists given a type string, fully qualified static group name, and job name.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeString String The type string of the job.
groupPath String The fully qualified static group name of the job.
jobName String The name of the job.


The following example shows how to check if a job exists in a static group. As input, you must provide a string describing the type of job. The valid job type strings are:


JOB_EXISTS=`blcli Job jobExistsByTypeStringGroupAndName NSH_SCRIPT_JOB "/Workspace" "MyScriptJob"`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Utility.convertModelType $typeString$modelType
Group.groupNameToDBKey $groupPath$ 5005groupKey
Job.jobExistsByTypeGroupAndName NAMED_OBJECT=modelType NAMED_OBJECT=groupKey $jobName$-

Command Name : jobKeyToJobId

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Joe Lawrence

Description :

Returns a jobs ID given the DBKey

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey a handle to the job

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.getJobId no input-

Command Name : jobKeyToJobVersionId

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

Joe Lawrence

Description :

Returns a jobs Version given the DBKey

Return type : Integer

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey a handle to the job

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.getJobVersionId no input-

Command Name : listAllByGroup

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Girish Venkitachalam

Description :

This command lists all jobs in a group.

This command returns a list of jobs.

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
qualifiedGroupName String Name of the job group whose jobs you want to list.


The following example shows how to list all the jobs in group Group1.


blcli Job listAllByGroup Group1

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
JobGroup.groupNameToId $qualifiedGroupName$groupId
Job.findAllHeadersByGroup NAMED_OBJECT=groupId-
SJobHeader.getName no input-
Utility.setTargetObject no input-
Utility.listPrint no input-

Command Name : listTargetServers

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Bill Robinson

Description :

This command returns a list of server names that are targets of a specific Job. Only servers in the state(s) specified by the serverState argument are returned.

The serverState argument can be combination of the following. Separate multiple states by commas:

Note: This command is not relevant for Provisioning Jobs.

A list of server names.

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.
serverState String The desired server states.


The following example shows how to get the DECOMMISSIONED or NOT_ENROLLED server targets of a job.


JOB_KEY=`blcli AuditJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName "/group1" "auditJob1"`


Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findTargetServersByServerStates $jobKey$ $serverState$-
Utility.listPrint no input-

Command Name : listTargets

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Bill Robinson

Description :

This command returns a list of target names that are targets of a specific Job. blcli Job listTargets $JOB_KEY targetTypes

The argument targetTypes can have following values. Separate multiple targetTypes by comma:

The argument JOB_KEY is a handle to the job being queried. To find the jobKey for a specific job type, use the getDBKeyByGroupAndName for that particular job type. Below example is for AuditJob. AuditJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName command.

A list of target names separated by commas.

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.
targetTypes String The desired target type(s).


The following example shows how to use this blcli to get the targets of a job.

Note: This blcli does not distinguish between Enrolled, Non-Enrolled, decomissioned servers when you query by using option "Servers". Use listTargetServers blcli for the same.


JOB_KEY=`blcli AuditJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /group1 auditJob1`

blcli Job listTargets $JOB_KEY Components

blcli Job listTargets $JOB_KEY Servers,Components

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.getTargetsByTargetTypes $targetTypes$-
Utility.setTargetObject no input-
Utility.listPrint no input-

Command Name : loadAllLazyLoadedData

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : loadNew

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
typeId Integer no description
msg no description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.createInstance $typeId$ $msg$-

Command Name : modifyJobNameAndDescription

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :


Description :

This command modifies the name and Description of specified Job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.
newJobName String new job name to set to specified Job
description String new Job Description

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.setName $newJobName$-
Job.setDescription $description$-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : moveByJobKeyAndGroup

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

Move a job to another group, given its full path. First step is to find a job object given the job key, then we move it to the specified group.

This command returns the handle to the moved Job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job being modified.
toGroupName String Full path to where it is to be moved


The following example demonstrates how to obtain a job key and then use the command to move the job to a different group.



JOB_NAME="Run on all Servers"

JOB_KEY=`blcli NSHScriptJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName "$JOB_FOLDER" "$JOB_NAME"`

MOVED_JOB_KEY=`blcli Job moveByJobKeyAndGroup "$JOB_KEY" "/NSH_Jobs_2"`

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.moveJobToGroup $jobKey$ $toGroupName$-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : moveByTypeGroupAndName

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Joe Lawrence

Description :

Move a job to another group, given its full path. First step is to find a job object given the job object name, model type and the full path to the parent group. Then we move it to the specified group.

As input, you must provide a string describing the type of job. The valid job type strings are:

This command returns the handle to the moved Job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
fromGroupName String Group where object is located
jobName String Name of object
toGroupName String Full path to where it is to be moved
modelType String ModelType name from


The following example demonstrates how to use the command.


blcli Job moveByTypeGroupAndName /NSH_Jobs_1 myNSHScriptJob /NSH_Jobs_2 NSH_SCRIPT_JOB

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Utility.convertModelType $modelType$modelTypeEnum
JobGroup.groupNameToId $toGroupName$toGroupId
Job.findByTypeGroupAndName $fromGroupName$ $jobName$ NAMED_OBJECT=modelTypeEnum-
Job.setGroupId NAMED_OBJECT=toGroupId-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no inputjobKey

Command Name : moveJobToGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method moves a job from where it currently resides to the specified folder. This command is different from other methods of moving since it will not make an access check on .Modify on the job. It will make sure there is access to read the folder that it currently resides in and there will be access checks for reading and writing to the new group.

The moved job

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobToMove DBKey no description
toGroupId Integer - the id of the group to move to.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.moveJobToGroup-api $jobToMove$ $toGroupId$-

Command Name : moveJobToGroup

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

This method moves a job from where it currently resides to the specified folder. This command is different from other methods of moving since it will not make an access check on .Modify on the job. It will make sure there is access to read the folder that it currently resides in and there will be access checks for reading and writing to the new group.

The moved job

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobToMove DBKey no description
toGroupName String - the fully qualified name of the group to move to.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.moveJobToGroup-api $jobToMove$ $toGroupName$-

Command Name : moveJobToGroup-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method moves a job from where it currently resides to the specified folder. This command is different from other methods of moving since it will not make an access check on .Modify on the job. It will make sure there is access to read the folder that it currently resides in and there will be access checks for reading and writing to the new group.

The moved job

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobToMove DBKey no description
toGroupId Integer - the id of the group to move to.

Command Name : moveJobToGroup-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

This method moves a job from where it currently resides to the specified folder. This command is different from other methods of moving since it will not make an access check on .Modify on the job. It will make sure there is access to read the folder that it currently resides in and there will be access checks for reading and writing to the new group.

The moved job

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobToMove DBKey no description
toGroupName String - the fully qualified name of the group to move to.

Command Name : optionValueKeySet

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Collection

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : optionValueSet

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : java.util.Collection

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : overridesValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Returns whether a specific ClassField is overriden (not default) in this instantiation of the object

true if overridden

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description

Command Name : parseFromString

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
s String no description

Command Name : readAllowed

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Indicates if the reader of this object has rbac permissions to read it. It will only be false for generic objects (GenericPSIImpl), retrieved through the GenericObjectService or NamespaceService using a PagingSpec with includeNoAccessObjects true. If readAllowed is false, only the BL_INSTANCE properties will be available through this interface.

true if read access permitted

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : recursivelySetProperty

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Jon Whitney

Description :

This command recursively sets a property on all jobs starting at the specified folder path.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupPath String The path to the folder.
propertyName String The name of the property to set.
value String The value to set.


The following example recursively sets the isApproved property to true, starting at the folder /location123/jobs.


blcli Job recursivelySetProperty /location123/jobs isApproved true

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
PropertySetInstance.recursivelySetPropertyOnModelObject 5005 $groupPath$ $propertyName$ $value$-

Command Name : removeAclPolicy

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Aaron Little

Description :

This command removes an ACL policy from a Job.

When an ACL policy is removed from an object, all access checks through that object's ACL will no longer check against the internal ACL of the ACL policy that was removed. No checks are made to make sure one does not lock themselves out of an object by removing a policy.

Returns the DBKey of the modified object.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
JobKey DBKey Job Key.
policyName String Name of the ACL policy to remove.


The following example shows how to remove an ACL policy called "Test Policy" from the Job with DB Key "Job DB Key".


Job removeAclPolicy "Job DB Key" "Test Policy"

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $JobKey$objsrc
BlAclPolicy.findByName $policyName$policy
BlAclPolicy.removeAclPolicy_api NAMED_OBJECT=policy NAMED_OBJECT=objsrcobj
Utility.setTargetObject obj-
Job.update NAMED_OBJECT=obj-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : removeAllSchedules

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Nik Gregory

Description :

This command removes all schedules from a job. The argument jobKey is the handle to the job being modified.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : java.lang.Object

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey Handle to the job being modified.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Schedule.deleteAllByJob $jobKey$-
Utility.setInputAsTargetObject $jobKey$-

Command Name : removeOptionValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description

Command Name : removePermission

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Matt Whearty

Description :

This command removes a permission from a job.

Returns the ACL.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey DBKey of the job.
roleName String Name of the role.
authName String Name of the authorization.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$job
BlAcl.removePermission NAMED_OBJECT=job $roleName$ $authName$-
Utility.setTargetObject job-
Job.update NAMED_OBJECT=job-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : removePropertyValue

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Jon Whitney

Description :

This command removes a property value from a job. The property name must be defined in the Job property class, or in the appropriate subclass of Job. The property must be defined as editable.

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
objectKey DBKey DBKey of the job.
propertyName String Name of the property.


This example assumes that a job key is present in the CLI variable job_key. This example also assumes that a property called is_approved has been defined in the Job property class.


Job removePropertyValue $job_key is_approved

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $objectKey$modelObject
Job.clearOverriddenValue $propertyName$-
Utility.setTargetObject modelObject-
Job.update NAMED_OBJECT=modelObject-

Command Name : resetDBKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : saveAuditTrailReference

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
auditTrail no description

Command Name : set

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
x no description

Command Name : setAnonymous

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
anonymous Boolean no description

Command Name : setAssociated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
associated Boolean no description

Command Name : setAssociatedInstance

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the instance of the job (used to allow override of properties during the execution).

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertySetInstance no description

Command Name : setAutoGenerated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
autoGenerated Boolean no description

Command Name : setBooleanOptionValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer No description available
optionValue Boolean No description available

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.setOptionValue $optionId$ $optionValue$-

Command Name : setBooleanOptionValueAndSave

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey No description available
optionId Integer No description available
optionValue Boolean No description available

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.setOptionValue $optionId$ $optionValue$-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : setBroken

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets this job as having been broken.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
isBroken Boolean - true if the job has been broken.

Command Name : setDebugModeEnabled

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
arg0 Boolean no description

Command Name : setDeleted

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
arg0 Boolean no description

Command Name : setDepotObjectKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : setDepotSoftwarePartList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
depotObjectKey DBKey no description
partIdList java.util.Set no description

Command Name : setDeprecated

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
deprecated Boolean no description

Command Name : setDescription

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
description String no description

Command Name : setDescription

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Craig Sidorchuk

Description :

This command sets the description on a job

This command returns a handle to the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.
desc String Description for the job.


The following example will set a job's description given a job's DBKey and description.


blcli Job setDescription DBKey:SJobKey:2000001-1 "First stage deployment"

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.setDescription $desc$-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : setDisableRootLogsOption

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
b Boolean no description

Command Name : setDisableRootLogsOption

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : false

Author :

A Sutar

Description :

This command will enable/disable root level logs for a job

This command returns a handle to the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey Handle to the job.
disableRootLogs Boolean Enable(false)/Disable(true) the root level logs



The following example will disable root level logs.


blcli Job setDisableRootLogsOption DBKey:SJobKey:2000001-1 true


The following example will enable root level logs.


blcli Job setDisableRootLogsOption DBKey:SJobKey:2000001-1 false

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.setDisableRootLogsOption $disableRootLogs$-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : setGlobalDefaultJobParallelism

Name space : Job

Command Type : Load

Release command : false

Description :

Set the global default Job Parallelism value.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
defaultParallelism Integer -- negative values are ignored.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.setGlobalDefaultJobParallelism-api $defaultParallelism$-

Command Name : setGlobalDefaultJobParallelism-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Set the global default Job Parallelism value.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
defaultParallelism Integer -- negative values are ignored.

Command Name : setGroupId

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
arg0 Integer no description

Command Name : setJobResultPropertyName

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Used in order to assign a property name for keeping the job run output result

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyName String a String value of the property name

Command Name : setJobToExecuteAsCurrentSecurityContext

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : setMaxParallelism

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Matt Whearty

Description :

This command sets the max parallelism of a job identified by its DBKey. You can pass 0 as the second argument to set the max parallelism to unlimited.

This command returns the handle of the updated job.

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey The DB Key of the job
maxParallelism Integer The max parallelism of the job


The following example set the max parallelism of a deploy job to 10, and then set it back to unlimited.


JOBKEY='blcli DeployJob getDBKeyByGroupAndName /default job1'

NEWJOBKEY='blcli Job setMaxParallelism $JOBKEY 10'

NEWJOBKEY1='blcli Job setMaxParallelism $NEWJOBKEY 0'

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.setParallelProcs $maxParallelism$-
Job.update no input-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : setName

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
name String no description

Command Name : setNotificationList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : setNullValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
isNull Boolean no description

Command Name : setOptionValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description
value Boolean no description

Command Name : setOptionValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description
value no description

Command Name : setOptionValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description
value Integer no description

Command Name : setOptionValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
optionId Integer no description
value String no description

Command Name : setOverriddenValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the overridden BlValue for the specified ClassField

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description
blValue no description

Command Name : setOverriddenValueAsObject

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the actual overridden value for the specified ClassField. The value type must match the value type for the ClassField.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
classField no description
value java.lang.Object no description

Command Name : setOverriddenValues

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertySetInstance no description

Command Name : setParallelProcs

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
number Integer no description

Command Name : setParentJobKey

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Used to set the key for the parent job for this job

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
parentJobKey no description

Command Name : setPropertyValue

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Jon Whitney

Description :

This command sets a property value on a job. The property name must be defined in the Job property class, or in the appropriate subclass of Job. The property must be defined as editable.

You can use the BMC BladeLogic blenc encryption utility to encrypt values you set with this command. For syntax and sample usage, see Server : setPropertyValue .

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
objectKey DBKey DBKey of the job.
propertyName String Name of the property.
valueAsString String The value to set.


This example assumes that a job key is present in the CLI variable job_key. This example also assumes that a property called is_approved has been defined in the Job property class.


Job setPropertyValue $job_key is_approved true

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $objectKey$modelObject
PropertySetInstance.setPropertyValueByPSI NAMED_OBJECT=modelObject $propertyName$ $valueAsString$-
Utility.setTargetObject modelObject-
Job.update NAMED_OBJECT=modelObject-
Job.getDBKey no input-

Command Name : setSJobAssetClassList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobAssetClassList java.util.List no description

Command Name : setSJobComponentGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the list of component groups for this job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupList java.util.List - the list of component groups.

Command Name : setSJobComponentList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the list of components for the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job component list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobComponentList java.util.List - the list of components.

Command Name : setSJobDepotObjectGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobDepotObjectGroupList java.util.List no description

Command Name : setSJobDeviceGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the list of server groups for this job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job server group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupList java.util.List - the list of server groups.

Command Name : setSJobDeviceList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : setSJobMasterComponentList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : setSJobMasterDeviceList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the list of master devices for the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master device list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobMasterDeviceList java.util.List - the List of SJobMasterDevice objects to add.

Command Name : setSJobMasterSnapshotList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the list of master snapshots for the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job master snapshot list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
masterSnapshot java.util.List - the list of master snapshots.

Command Name : setSJobSnapshotList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
l java.util.List no description

Command Name : setSJobTargetJobGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobTargetJobGroupList java.util.List no description

Command Name : setSJobTargetJobList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobTargetJobList java.util.List no description

Command Name : setSJobTemplateGroupList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the list of template groups for the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job template group list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
groupList java.util.List - the list of template groups.

Command Name : setSJobTemplateList

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the list of templates for the job.

<b>boolean</b> - returns true if this operation modified the job template list.

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
templateList java.util.List - the List of component templates.

Command Name : setSavedExplicitly

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Sets the saved explicitly value for the job. Passing false to this method will result in the job not appearing in the GUI.

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
isSavedExplicitly Boolean - true if the job was directly created by the user.

Command Name : setSkipPSIValidation

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
skipValidation Boolean no description

Command Name : setSkipReqValueValidation

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
skipValidation Boolean no description

Command Name : setSynchronize

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
synchronize Boolean no description

Command Name : setValue

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
value java.lang.Object no description

Command Name : setValueIgnored

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
ignoreValue Boolean no description

Command Name : setValueType

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
valueType no description

Command Name : showPermissions

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Matt Whearty

Description :

This command shows the current permissions on a job.

Returns the ACL.

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey DBKey of the job.

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.getBlAcl no inputblacl
BlAcl.aclToString NAMED_OBJECT=blacl-

Command Name : showPermissions

Do not modify, published by technical writer

Name space : Job

Command Type : Complex

Release command : true

Author :

Subhash Todkari

Description :

This command shows the current permissions on a job. 'extractPolicyPermissions' controls inclusion of permissions contained in policies

Returns the ACL.

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
jobKey DBKey DBKey of the job.
extractPolicyPermissions Boolean If true, alongwith policy name, permissions contained in policy will be returned else only policy name will be returned

Invoked commands in order :

Command Input Return value stored name
Job.findByDBKey $jobKey$-
Job.getBlAcl no inputblacl
BlAcl.aclToString NAMED_OBJECT=blacl $extractPolicyPermissions$-

Command Name : supportsUnparseToString

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : Boolean

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : toBlMessage

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
msg no description

Command Name : unparseToString

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : String

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : update

Name space : Job

Command Type : Save

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
j no description

Command Name : update-api

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type :

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
j no description

Command Name : validate

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

no input

Command Name : validate

Name space : Job

Command Type : API

Release command : false

Description :

Return type : void

Command Input :

Variable NameVariable TypeDescription
propertyName String no description